Work History
Academic Projects

Aarsh Desai

West Lafayette


Motivated Computer Science Freshman, passionate in Computers, Mathematics,Economics & Biology. Looking forward to taking up a job where I can integrate ML & Biology.

Willing to explore inter-disciplinary areas to expand my limits. Hoping to make significant impact to help humanity for years to come.


years of professional experience

Work History


Purdue Table Tennis Club
West Lafayette
11.2023 - Current
  • Actively participate in the Purdue Table Tennis Club, engaging in regular training sessions, competitions, and club events.
  • Demonstrate commitment to honing table tennis skills, focusing on techniques, strategies, and gameplay improvement through consistent practice and participation.


Cricket And Social Outreach
West Lafayette
08.2023 - Current
  • As the current Secretary of Cricket and Social Outreach, I'm proud to play a pivotal role in orchestrating engaging cricket tournaments and vibrant cultural celebrations like Diwali, Navratri, and Holi at Purdue University.
  • Our organization fosters a lively community that celebrates Indian traditions while promoting sportsmanship through cricket events and uniting students from diverse backgrounds.
  • Organizing cricket tournaments allows us to create an inclusive environment where students showcase their sporting talents and build lasting connections. I'm dedicated to ensuring these events promote teamwork, sportsmanship, and a sense of belonging within our community


Indian Red Cross Society
08.2018 - 08.2020
  • Worked as a student volunteer for the Indian Red Cross Society at sickle cell anemia. Assigned the role of distributing iron tablets to the patients.


Indian Medical Association Gujarat State Branch
05.2019 - 03.2020
  • Served for the Indian Medical Association in medical camps organized at a local Old Age Home in Atar, Valsad.
  • Tasked with the responsibility of checking the body temperature & blood pressure of the patients.


Atul Vidyalaya
09.2016 - 10.2016
  • Lead the student organization committee for the Ignited Minds Annual Debate Competition.
  • Supported engaging, fun and smooth-running events by being the spearhead of the organization.


Bachelor of Science - Data Science, Minor in Economics

Purdue University
West Lafayette

High School Diploma -

Atul Vidyalaya
Valsad, India


  • Programming Languages: Java, C#, HTML, Python, R, JavaScript
  • Computational Design
  • Machine Learning
  • SQL
  • Advanced Data Mining
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Deep Learning
  • Time-Series Analysis
  • Data Acquisitions
  • Data Aggregation Processes
  • Normalization Techniques
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Critical Thinking
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Analytics
  • Data Modeling
  • Data Mining
  • Collaboration
  • Process Improvement
  • Project Management
  • Performance Improvement


  • Ranked 1st in the International Championship in Aloha Mental Arithmetic Competition[Abacus competition] in June 2014 . Ranked 1st in National Championship in Chennai for 3 consecutive years in December 2014, December 2015 & December 2016 . Ranked 1st in the State Championship in Surat, Gujarat for 4 consecutive years in October in 2014,2015,2016 and 2017. Featured in the newspaper
  • 3rd prize at the regional level cricket competition in Oct 2018
  • 3rd prize in the District Level Table Tennis Khel MahaKumbh in Sept 2018. Represented Valsad district at the State Level
  • Ranked 1st in the Annual District Classical Music Team Competition in Aug 2018

Academic Projects

  • Designed a Heart Disease Prediction model to predict the
    probability of heart disease among patients
  • Constructed a Census Income Analysis model to classify
    the income of individuals using Logistic Regression
  • Worked on a House Prices Prediction model to predict
    house prices in a particular location using Linear
  • Performed a Life Expectancy Analysis to predict life
    expectancy of individuals in the US using Random Forest
  • Designed a Web App to predict the chances of early
    occurrence of Early Diabetes among patients using Decision
    Tree Classifier
  • Formulated a Liver Disease Prediction model to classify
    patients into 2 categories using Binomial Distribution
  • Orchestrated the Australian Fire Prediction Project using
    Geospatial Analysis to predict the occurrence of fires in
    different parts of Australia during different times of the
  • Lead the Land Cover Classification Project using Satellite
    Imagery Analysis to classify different types of forest covers
    present in the Sundarbans forest in India
  • Developed a Time Series Forecasting to analyze the stock
    price of Microsoft from 04/01/2015 to 04/01/2021 and build a
    SARIMA model capable of estimating the stock prices
  • Currently up skilling myself in ML and have familiarized
    myself with a number of algorithms such as Decision Tree
    Classifier, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines,
    Naive Bayes Classifier, KNN Classifier & Random Forest



Purdue Table Tennis Club
11.2023 - Current


Cricket And Social Outreach
08.2023 - Current


Indian Medical Association Gujarat State Branch
05.2019 - 03.2020


Indian Red Cross Society
08.2018 - 08.2020


Atul Vidyalaya
09.2016 - 10.2016

Bachelor of Science - Data Science, Minor in Economics

Purdue University

High School Diploma -

Atul Vidyalaya
Aarsh Desai