1. Time Tracker App (04/21 - 06/21)
Description - This is a task Management App for Android/IPhone. Services provided by this app - we can create a task with information (task name,Per hour cost,comments).now we can assign time slots to this task accordingly. slots may be scattered. we can delete or modify task data. we can filter total cost & total time are taken by particular cost and at last we can also display all the jobs along with their cost and hours taken. this app also has four type of authentication - guest,with goggle, with facebook and at last with User Name & Password.
Technology - Flutter (Dart), Firebase Cloudstore, Firebase Auth
2. Online Bookstore (01/20 - 02/20)
Description - The Ecommerce Project name BookMart is developed using Spring Boot,Hibernate and Thymeleaf for Customers to buy books online. this application provides various functionalities to the customer like registering,login,browse books,search books,adding books into the cart,add shipping and billing address both and finally making payment. As soon as the order is confirmed the respective customer is notified by order confirmation mail.
Technology - Java Spring Boot, Hibernate, Thymeleaf, MySql
3. Government Jobs Information website (01/19 - 04/19)
Description - The Jobs Notification project name LokbagNaukri is developed using PHP and Mysql for those students who are preparing for government exams. this application provides various functionalities to the students like getting latest jobs updates ,downloading notifications, hyperlink to application submission site and downloading admit cards. This side is also converted into Android Application using Web Resource API provided by Android.
Technology - PHP & Mysql
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4. Image Processing on GPU using Cuda and C++ (02/16 - 04/16)
Description - The project titled Image Processing on GPU using CUDA and C++ aims to showcase high speed processing of image processing by using the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). The objective of the project is to process the image within a very short time as compared to the same process done on the same machine but by using the CPU. So as, to develop a fast image processing system to help the industry in applying various
operations on the images quickly and more efficiently.
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