Proactive Soft Skills Trainer with dedication to helping individuals flourish in workplace. Educated in wide breadth of training techniques to deliver well-rounded programs that address each employee's unique needs. Offering 5 years of training experience and expertise in motivation and public speaking.
Verbal & Written Communication skills
undefinedNLP & Emotional Intelligence
Growth Mindsets for Teachers and Learners, Alison
CEFR level C1 in a test of English Proficiency, British Council- Valid from 15 May 2020 to 15 May 2021
Thinking Critically, Harappa Education
Embracing Change, Harappa Education
The complete job interviewing skills, Udemy
Teaching Future-Ready Students, LinkedIn- No Expiration Date
Measuring learning effectiveness, LinkedIn Learning- No Expiration Date
NLP & Emotional Intelligence
Yoga Trainer