Detail-oriented, organized and meticulous employee. Works at fast pace to meet tight deadlines. Enthusiastic team player ready to contribute to company success.
Check out my github:
Pinpointed meaningful insights from large data and metadata sources.
Worked on a project to create a chatbot application.
Created data visualization graphics, translating complex data sets into comprehensive visual representations.
Created data mining architectures and models to identify trends in large data sets.
Used SAS, SPSS and Python to manage and analyze large data sets.
Performed advanced data extraction and data manipulation.
Machine Learning Intern
Fox Trading Solutions-Algo Trading Solutions Automation
Noida, Uttar Pradesh
01.2023 - Current
Prototyped machine learning applications and quickly determined application viability.
Implemented and evaluated artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms and neural networks for diverse industries.
Developed advanced graphic visualization concepts to map and simplify analysis of heavily-numeric data and reports.
Designed and implemented scalable applications for data extraction and analysis.
Developed next generation integration platform for internal applications.
Core Committee Member (Technical Domain)
VIT Trekking Club
Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
03.2021 - Current
Maintained energy and enthusiasm in fast-paced environment.
Worked on the project of my club from scratch.
Improved operations through consistent hard work and dedication.
Conducted two trekks, gathered information from multiple sources about nature friendly sites for trekking and presented results.
Bachelor of Technology - Computer Science And Engineering
Vellore Institute of Technology
Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
Data Structures and Algorithms
Machine Learning
Web Development
Deep Learning
Projects Undertaken
CarOPool- A car sharing website which allows users to share car journeys with each other and book a cab ride together to a common destination. It is built with technologies HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, MYSQL and Node.Js. Link:
Nutrify App: Nutrify's goal is to enable you to take a photo of what you're eating, about to eat or food you see in a store and learn about it. Link:
SkimLit (NLP for medical Abstracts): A project made to focus on the ability of NLP to classify sentences which appear in sequential order. I created an NLP model to classify abstract sentences into the role they play(e.g objective, methods, results, etc) to enable researches to skim through the literature and dive deeper when necessary. Link:
BitPredict: Project based on time series forecasting used to predict the price of Bitcoin. Link:
Online Notes App: A web-app which enables the users to store their notes online, has an embedded login system. Link:
FruitSlice: A fruit slice game website created using HTML ,CSS and JQUERY. This game enables the user to swipe the screen to cut the fruits falling at different speeds and tracks the score after each fruit is sliced. Link:
SpeedReader: A real mobile app built using jQuery Mobile development which takes text inputs from the user and counts each word at a time. The app has start, stop and pause/resume features. Link:
Machine Learning Intern
Fox Trading Solutions-Algo Trading Solutions Automation
Program Assistant to the Directors of Interfaith at Texas Workforce Commission/Workforce SolutionsProgram Assistant to the Directors of Interfaith at Texas Workforce Commission/Workforce Solutions