A Goal oriented software engineer having an experience of six years in automotive industry working on Bluetooth application/Middleware layer and HMI Design and development for in vehicle infotainment product. Well versed with Agile methodologies and scrum. Experience working as a product owner for the Bluetooth component scrum team. Good knowledge of ASPICE process compliance in the software development cycle.
Project : Infotainment Head Unit for Volvo GTT on Android platform
Component : Bluetooth
Platform : Android
I was on maternity leave for a period of 1 year 2 months.
Project : Invehicle Infotainment Head Unit for General Motors China OEM
Component : Bluetooth
Platform : Linux
Programming Language : C
Project: In Vehicle Infotainment System for Fiat-Chrysler OEM.
Component : Bluetooth
Platform : Linux
Programming Language : C
Project : In Vehicle Infotainment System for FORD Motors China OEM
Component : Bluetooth
Platform : Linux
Programming Language : C++
Awarded with “Customer Focus Award” for excellent contribution as a HMI developer in FORD project.