Self-motivated PhD graduate (thesis submitted) looking for a post-doctoral position in 'Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology' to further advance and diversify understanding and research experience. Proficient in 'Biochemical Engineering' and 'Fermentation Technology', with advanced abilities in process optimization and deep grasp of rigorous research procedures. Track record of developing high-impact publications, presentations and collaborations.
Bioreactor operations
Guest PhD scholar (Jan - Oct 2020) at Department of Chemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark.
Zargar, A.N ., Sinha, A., Mishra, S., Kumar, M., and Srivastava, P. (2021) Method providing biotransformation of asphaltene through microbial consortium. Indian Patent No. 2021011050959.
Zargar, A.N ., Kumar, A., Sinha, A., Kumar, M., Skiadas, I., Mishra, S., and Srivastava, P. (2021) Asphaltene biotransformation for heavy oil upgradation. AMB Express 11: 1-19.
Zargar, A.N ., Lymperatou, A., Skiadas, I., Kumar, M., and Srivastava, P. (2022) Structural and functional characterization of a novel biosurfactant from Bacillus sp. IITD106. Journal of Hazardous Materials 423: 127201.
Zargar, A.N ., Mishra, S., Kumar, M., and Srivastava, P. (2021) Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus sp. Strain IITD106, Isolated from Oil-Contaminated Soil. Microbiology Resource Announcements 10: e00982-00921.
Zargar, A.N ., Mishra, S., and Srivastava, P. Isolation and characterization of the biosurfactant produced by Gordonia sp. IITR100. Plos One. (Minor revision)
Zargar, A.N ., Patil, N., Kumar, M., and Srivastava, P. A Method for Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Combination of Biosurfactants. The Journal of Visualized Experiments. (Minor revision)
Zargar, A.N ., Kumar, M., and Srivastava, P., Skiadas, I. Optimization and scale up of asphaltene biotransformation. Fuel (Under review).
Zargar, A.N ., Skiadas, I., Kumar, M., and Srivastava, P., (2021) Optimization of asphaltene biotransformation for heavy oil upgradation. World Microbe Forum, Online.
Zargar, A.N ., Mishra, S and Srivastava, P., (2019) Biosurfactants from Gordonia sp. IITR100: an alternative to chemical emulsifiers. Industry Day 2019 IIT Delhi, New Delhi. India.
Zargar, A.N ., Kumar, A., Sinha, A., Jain, G., Kumar, M., and Srivastava, P., (2018) Harnessing the potential of soil microbiome for heavy oil remediation and upgradation. International Conference on Microbiome Research, Pune, India.
Zargar, A.N ., Kumar, M., and Srivastava, P., (2018) Biological upgradation of heavy crude oils. BioProcessing India, New Delhi, India.
1. Dr Preeti Srivastava (Associate Professor, DBEB, IIT Delhi)
Email:, Ph. no: +917290841103
2. Dr. Manoj Upreti (Ch Research Officer, IOCL R&D Faridabad)
Email:, Ph. no: +919818646104
3. Dr. Shilpi Sharma (Professor, DBEB, IIT Delhi)
Email:, Ph. no. +919810401910)