Years of trans-disciplinary professional experience
Dedicated professional with 8yr. of experience as researcher and 7yr. of experience as consultant physiotherapist, driven with superior organizational and analytical skills combined with unparalleled commitment to research excellence. Skilled in conceptualization, design, implementation and analysis of clinical research projects.
Years of trans-disciplinary professional experience
As a Physiotherapist
As a Researcher
Validation of Ayurvedic Concept of Prakriti from Disease Susceptibility Perspective
PI : Dr. Archana Purushotham Institution: InStem,NCBS
Outcome of Stroke Patients Treated with Ayurveda Vs Allopathy
PI : Dr. Archana Purushotham Institution: InStem,NCBS., Institute of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Bangalore
Role of Pten Gene in Mullar Glial Cells in Retina of Zebrafish in Retina Regeneration
PI: Dr Ramesh Ramakrishanan Institution : IISER, Mohali
Effect of Saffron on Neurons Derived from Mesenchymal Stem Cells
PI : Dr.Sanjeev Puri (Coordinator of Stem Cell Dept. P.U) Institution: Punjab University, Chandigarh
Associated projects
1. Evaluation of Ayurvedic Management of Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections in Adult Females – Using Modern Biochemical Tests Molecular and Supra molecular assay– A Pre- Post, Pragmatic Clinical Study
Institution : Institute of Ayurveda and Integrative medicine
Assigned responsibility: Patient recruitment for study, data collection, sample collection (Urine and Blood) and preservation along with all study related documentation.
2. Explore the correlation between HLA and Prakriti types in context with cases of Bone Marrow transplantation from Mazumdar Shaw Medical Centre
Institution : The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology
Assigned responsibility: Train the research fellow for using CQ-62 for prakriti assessment and analysis of the data
3. An exploratory pilot study to evaluate the effects of Ayurveda and Yoga health practices on Swasthya (wellness) of the health seekers with special reference to respiratory health (BOSCH project)
Institution : The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology
Assigned responsibility: Train the research fellow for using of CQ-62 for prakriti assessment and analysis of the data
4. A pilot e-survey to determine the utility of Charka Quantitative – 62 (CQ-62) questionnaire, to evaluate the correlation between prakriti/dosha with diet, medical history and quality of life among educated middle/high income group young preson (18-30 years)
Institution : The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology
Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersay Women’s University
Assigned responsibility: Train the research fellow (MSc. Food and Nutrition student) for using of CQ-62 for prakriti assessment and analysis of the data
5. Assessment of dietary intake of adults (18-40 years) and its alignment with prakriti
Institution : The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology
Lady Irwin College
Assigned responsibility: Train the research fellow (MSc. Food and Nutrition student) for using of CQ-62 for prakriti assessment and analysis of the data
Ayurvedic Treatment in Acute Ischaemic Stroke: A Prospective Observational Study; Global Advances in Health and Medicine Volume 8:1-8; 2019, J Aarthi Harini, Avineet Luthra, Shrey Madeka, Prasan Shankar, Pitchaiah Mandava, Ravishankar Pervaje, Sanjith Aaron, and Archana Purushotham
2021; Integrative Medicine & Health Symposium
Poster presentation: Constitution (Prakriti) is a Risk Factor for Stroke
Avineet Luthra , Aarthi Harini J, Rajesh K N , Sanjith Aaron & Archana Purushotham
Institute for Stem Cell Science & Regenerative Medicine; Institute for Ayurvedic and Integrative Medicine, TDU; People Tree Hospitals, Bangalore; Christian Medical College, Vellore; Baylor College of Medicine & Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, Houston
2018 ; Traditional Health Knowledge Inspired Nutraceuticals IIIrd prize
Poster presentation: Prakriti as a Risk Factor for Cerebrovascular disease
Avineet Luthra, Aarthi Harini J , Rajesh K N , Sanjith Aaron and Archana Purushotham
Centre for Brain Development and Repair, InStem; Institute for Ayurvedic and Integrative Medicine, TDU; People Tree Hospitals, Bangalore; Christian Medical College, Vellore
2017; InStem,NCBS Annual talks
Poster presentation: Prakriti as a Risk Factor for Cerebrovascular disease
Avineet Luthra, Aarthi Harini J , Sandesh D , Rajesh K N , Sanjith Aaron and Archana Purushotham
Centre for Brain Development and Repair, InStem; Institute for Ayurvedic and Integrative Medicine, TDU; People Tree Hospitals, Bangalore; Christian Medical College, Vellore
2017; InStem,NCBS Annual talks
Poster presentation: Prakriti as a Risk Factor for Smoking Behaviour
Avineet Luthra, Apoorva Safai, Chandana Rao, Akshita Joshi, Sandesh D and Archana Purushotham
Centre for Brain Development and Repair, inStem
2016; InStem,NCBS Annual talks
Poster presentation: Constitution-type as a risk factor for Disease
Avineet Luthra, J. Aarthi Harini , Shrey Madeka , H. N. Nagaraj, Sanjith Aaron and Archana Purushotham
InStem; Institute for Ayurveda & Integrative Medicine; Ohio StateUniversity; CMC, Vellore
2014; InStem,NCBS Annual talks
Poster presentation: Recovery of Cognitive Deficits After Stroke
Avineet Luthra, Shrey Madeka and Archana Purushotham
Centre for Brain Development and Repair, InStem, NCBS
2011; Conference: 4th Annual Meeting of Cytometry Society of India, Panjab University, Chandigarh
2010; Conference: International Symposium on Cancer Research andTranslational Initiatives Cum Workshop on Flow Cytometry, Panjab University, Chandigarh.
Conference: International Symposium on Cancer Research and
Translational Initiatives Cum Workshop on Flow Cytometry, Panjab University, Chandigarh.