Motivated Physics Teacher with a strong background in developing and implementing physics coursework that students find interesting. Enthusiastic to help students discover the science behind motion, energy and force. Expert in keeping students engaged when introducing physics principles and formulas by explaining how physics applies to real-life situations.
Glass synthesis by melt-quench technique,
X-ray diffraction,
UV-Vis, Photoluminescence, Raman and IR spectroscopy,
Differential scanning Calorimetry,
High-Q Neutron Diffraction at Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai and High Energy X-Ray Diffraction, PETRA Germany
Energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence at X-ray synchrotron placed at RRCAT, INDORE,
Microsoft Office,
Origin Pro,
Monte Carlo Simulations, Reverse Monte Carlo Simulation,
PDFGetX2 & PDFGetX3,
MAS-NMR spectroscopy (data analysis)
Learning Python