Self-motivated AI Engineering student skilled in programming with 2 years of experience creating machine learning models and retraining systems and transforming data science prototypes to production-grade solutions. Passionate, hardworking coder with penchant for developing customized models. Pulls from active knowledge of current technology landscape to promote best practices in Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
Python specialist
ML Algorithms from Scratch
ML Algorithms implemented from scratch using Python 3.x, and visualized.
Hand gesture recognition using Convolutional Neural Network.
Deep Q Learning
Deep Q Network on a custom environment built using pygame. Agent trained using soft update of target model method, along with memory and replay.
Birdcall Identification
Converts a sound recording of a birdcall to a spectrogram, and classifies it into 10 different bird species using a convolutional neural network.
Machine Learning - Stanford
Machine Learning - Stanford