Experienced professional responsible for overseeing equipment planning and maintainability. Skilled in identifying and managing asset reliability risks to prevent disruption to plant or business operations. Demonstrated ability to develop and execute maintenance strategies for optimal equipment performance. Proficient in implementing robust risk management protocols and prioritizing safety practices to protect stakeholders.
1)Lead in procurement and replacement of310 no's of Primary Reformer catalyst tube (Centralloy G4852 Micro R)
2)Lead in all432 burners inspection and overhauling jobs
3)Lead in Cold collector replacement jobs
Secondary Reformer:
1)Involved in secondary Reformer burner air gun nozzle replacement jobs.
1)Lead and planned for all Columns and towers in ammonia plant inspection and repairing jobs in different shut downs
A)Tube bundle replacement of critical Heat Exchangers in Ammonia plant:
1)E209, E210: U-Tube type Exchanger, Required for Heat recovery from Process gas to BFW, Its failure may lead to Catalyst Damage.
2)E312: Straight tube Floating head Type, Required for Cooling of Synthesis Gas, Its failure may lead to Explosion/Fire due presence of Hydrogen
3)E504: Straight tube fixed tube sheet Type, Required for Cooling of Synthesis Gas (SynLoop), Its failure may lead to Bacteria development in CWS due to presence of NH3
1)Overhauling of Synthesis gas compressor and turbine: Lead in BHEL make centrifugal2 BCL (barrel shaped and closed at the ends by the two vertical flanges) type compressor (RPM-9730; Discharge Pressure-135 kg/cm2g; Gas handled-Synthesis gas) overhauling which includes inspection and replacement of journal and thrust bearing, seals and diaphragms, Rotor assembly, End cover assembly and all the accessories like oil system, seal oil system, gas system, gear coupling assembly.
2)Lead the team in BHEL make EHNK type steam Turbine overhauling job
3)Lead the team in Overhauling of Ammonia compressor train (Compressor and turbine)
4)Lead the team in overhauling of Co2 compressor train (Compressor and turbine)
5)Lead the team in overhauling of multistage BFW pump
GPA: 3.64 CGPA
Manik Biswas, Sr. Manager-Reliability and Planning, Manik.biswas@yara.com, 09627971461, YARA Fertilizer India Pvt. Ltd, Babrala, 14 years
Certification of Appreciation in the Process Safety Management Training program by DuPont faculty (2011, V.P.-Manufacturing)., Promotion from assistant manager to Dy. Manager (2014, VP-Manufacturing)., Lean Six Sigma Green belt award (Nov,2016, COO-TATA Chemicals Ltd).