- Analyzed statistical data using Primary and Secondary methods.
- Gathered, arranged and corrected research data to create representative graphs and charts highlighting results for presentations.
- Collected data on competitors, consumers and marketplace and consolidated data into presentations and reports.
- Supported design and implementation of survey instruments such as telephone questionnaires to obtain study information.
- Managed end to end client process ( Field work report, profile validation, data mapping, client communication)
- Interpreted data and made recommendations from findings.
Project 1 - Banking and Financial Product's
- Conducted the study to evaluate new emerging payment solutions (B2B -Cross border, Crypto, Blockchain) and products risk security in the industry.
- Mapped and shortlisted experts matching the scope ( Financial Institution, Neo Banks and Financial Services) from our proprietary internal database and supplementing from top source such as Zoom Info, D & B, Hoovers and LinkedIn.
- Created case study report on the data accumulated from outcome of the research, challenges and remedies, graphs as per response.
Project - 2 ( Freight Provider)
- Market researched to understand the onboarding and evaluation criteria for the land freight partners across the Nordics.
- Mapped companies providing non - perishable products in the Nordics and prepared the catalogue for the team to target.
- Conducted In-depth interviews and collected insights with industry experts to solicit objective feedback.
Project - 3 (R&D Applications user perspective)
- Focused on onboarding researchers from chemical industry to chalk down insights on challenges, transformations and development scope with the R&D software's.
- Managed client communication, forecasting timeline .profile validation, data cumulation with bandwidth of 6 analyst.