Based out of Gujarat, India, the professional journey unfolds as an adept freelancer and a potent team player, embracing old and new adventures with unflagging ardor, brisk, and readiness. Innately drawn to technology's transformative power and deep introspection, this energy channels into project management and pioneering research, fueled by an unyielding pursuit of excellence and self-awareness. The history of close collaborations with developers and small-scale IT service firms propels the poised transition into management.
Operating through the lens of a modern-day hunter-gatherer ethos, this amalgamation equips for leading teams, navigating projects, and inciting transformative change. With a focal mission of spearheading the cause of making India "Energy Neutral," barriers hold no sway, regardless of scale or challenge. As part of a larger evolutionary narrative, the personal quest converges towards steering seamless digital evolution and kindling enlightenment across the business sphere, embodying the essence of the human spirit.
Client Acquisition and Networking
Product Life Cycle Management
Team Leadership and Development
Data Analysis and Evaluation
Administrative support
Python Programing Language
Django Framework
International and Emerging Market Research