To work in learning and challenging environment, utilizing my skill and knowledge to be the best of my abilities and contribute positivity to my personal growth as well as growth of the organization. Qualified Civil Engineer, highly skilled at design, drafting, cost estimation and presentations. Excellent public speaking and teamwork skills. High interest in municipal infrastructure.
Post Graduation Project:
Project Title: “Design and Analysis of pile raft piled raft foundation for high rise buildings using software”
1. Analyzed different foundation models for high-rise building.
2. Grid plan of super structure is prepared in AutoCAD.
3. Response spectrum method and gust factor analysis are chosen for analysis of 3D structure using ETABS2016
4. The structure has been analyzed by considering earthquake forces and wind forces along x and y direction
5. Then the resultant forces imported to SAFE where different foundation system are analyzed
6. Compared different foundation system for stability, settlement, soil pressure, safety and economy
v Graduation Project:
Project Title: “Modelling of mode choices for Hyderabad city”
1. Analyzed the travel behavior and travel information through collection of data on existing
mode choices in Hyderabad city
2. Identified factors influencing the modes chosen in Hyderabad area
3. Studied the relation between modes and factors influencing the mode
4. Developed the logit model for mode choice by incorporating metro rail using alogit software