Enterprise Commerce Buying Programs
Sign Integration
BTP (World Link-Outbound payment file-Unique identifier reference)
This enhancement is part of the World Link application. The vision of this project is to utilize the standard functionality of SAP delivered which requires the use of standard payment processing processes and leading practices for Treasury Integration. The implementation of the proposed approach will allow identifying and assigning the c. code to every line item sent by the bank within the world link file.
DNB EBS FX Transactions Postings Enhancement
This Design is part of the EBS upload process for DNB. On a daily basis, overnight, a job is scheduled for uploading the EBS files, pushed from the bank through the FTP Secure server to Pacific Drilling’s files pushed from DNB will be allocated in their own specific folder within the serveries files will be allocated at the Pacific Drilling Server; Pacific Drilling will pull the files to SAP for upload, post and clear. SAP custom program will upload and post the EBS from DNB.
EBS Upload Background Job (Design E2E Functional Specification)
Display Bank Balance (Fiori) (Design Interface with different Systems from SAP)
Cloud Integration CI-501– Simplify Master Data Synch
KPN Workflow for Quote to Cash Process
Support for SD/FI/BW
F0016 Client set up request interactive Form
F0015 Vendor set up request interactive Form
Enhancement E0021 Billing backup
Enhancement E0206 Upload of billing milestone
NTPC, ONGC, Lumax Industries, Mayapur, New Delhi
SAP expert