Work History
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Ramesh Thathakallu

Ramesh Thathakallu

investment Banker


To be part of team of achievers and of a professionally managed and Progressive Organization / Financial Institution which brings out the best of my abilities and helps me achieve optimum work satisfaction. Also aim to be a motivated and self-driven person with a positive attitude and high flying ambitions


years of professional experience

Work History


Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking
01.2023 - Current

Euroclear Trade Settlement Team:-

-> End to End Trade settlement service for Equities and Fixed income Products for Euroclear Market

->Trade matching, prioritization to get settled with respect to market before cut off.

->Identifying trade discrepancies like incorrect static data, incomplete SSI and Missing SSI from CP.

->Interacting with Middle office,client service team and trade support team.

->Investigation on failing trades.

->Updating NEW SSI details in Alert (DTTC) to settle trades on VD.

->Performing Pre-matching Activity on S-1.

->Reviewing and verifying team numbers Client SSI Set-up.

-> Processing Pre-matching on T+0 for Japan market.

Assistant Manager

Intertrust Group
09.2021 - 11.2022

Trade Support Team:-

->Booking trades for various Asset class such FX, F&O, Cash Equities, Bonds and OTC Derivative products such as IRS, TRS, CDS.

->Be the 1st point of contact for all counterparties (clients, brokers, CCPs) with regards to trade allocation/clearing.

->Top day trade monitoring and allocation for involved exchanges to ensure STP trade flow

->Follow up of pending trades closely and ensure all clients trades are booked at T day

->Perform timely reconciliation between internal systems and Exchanges ones.

->Resolving breaks in PB Portal by liaising with FXPB,streets and funds.

->Allocating the trades and confirm the allocation splits to Counter party's at T- days.

->Matching of trades in Markitwire Portal on t+0 bases.

->Reviewing paper long form confirmations and processing for authorized signature and send back signed confirm to ISDA counter parties.

->Exception monitoring and support of trade lifecycle events, e.g. Novation and unwinds.

-> Conducted employee performance evaluations, providing constructive feedback for growth and development.

-> Implemented staff training programs, enhancing product knowledge and improving customer service skills.

-> Oversaw daily cash reconciliations, ensuring accurate financial reporting and minimizing discrepancies.

-> Mentored junior staff members in their professional development by offering guidance/support in their assigned roles.

-> Supervised day-to-day operations to meet performance, quality and service expectations.

Level 5 - Team Leader

Mphasis Limited
08.2020 - 09.2021

Client instruction Trade Capture Team:-

-> Trade Capture

-> Trade Validation

-> Trade Reconciliation

-> Updating the Standard Settlement Instructions (SSI) for each Broker to eliminate the chances of

incorrect payment

-> Configuration and processing of inbound trade files in client system on T+ 1

Responsible for timely trade capture and Reconcile of Equity, FI,FX ,OTC derivatives and ETD in Client system.

-> Mentored junior staff members, helping them develop their leadership potential and advance in their careers.

-> Mentored and guided employees to foster proper completion of assigned duties.

-> Conducted regular reviews of operations and identified areas for improvement.

Senior Analyst (3rd Level of Hierarchy)

UBS – WIPRO Limited
09.2019 - 05.2020

Equities and Fixed income Settlement Team:-

-> Account Manager for Top Tired clients.

-> End to End settlement service for Equities and Fixed income Products.

-> Trade matching, prioritization to get settled with respect to market before cut off.

-> Acting as Account manager for any settlement related queries irrespective of market.

-> Identifying trade discrepancies like incorrect static data, incomplete SSI and Missing SSI form CP and UBS side

-> Updating NEW SSI details in Alert (DTTC) to settle trades on VD.

-> Investigation on failing trades.

Performing Pre-matching Activity on S-1

Senior Associate

State Street Corporation
04.2017 - 09.2019

SWAPS Trade Capture:-

-> Monitor and reviewing trade tickets from FPML, Secure transport, TLS emails/IMT and Fax/instruct lite.

-> Review trades –How trades are to be posted on OTC hub and accounting tool.

-> IRS and CDS trades booking manually in state street internal applications.

-> Manually Cusip setup for all swaps trades.

-> Manually bookings for FPML trade tickets on OTC hub and internally.

-> Reviewing and posting Swap (TRS, IRS, CDS and cross currency) resets on OTC hub.

- > Calculating interest rates manually and posting on accounting tool.

-> Reviewing/auditing trades processed by other team members to ensure accuracy.

-> Train new employees until they are prepared to handle activities without oversight.

-> Quality control - Be able to audit the accounting / verification data input and establish control over the overall process accuracy within the KPIs agreed.

-> Documentation – Be able to review and correct the process documentation such as process flows, Standard Operating procedures (SOPs) and coach the team.

Listed and OTC Confirmation:-

-> Automated confirmation Ex:- Omgeo and Markitwise.

-> Omgeo Central Trade Manager is the external middle office platform used for the purpose of matching Fixed Income and Equity transactions to streamline trade flows between clients/ administrators and CP's via ETC.

-> MWire- electronic confirmation for Interest rate swaps (IR), swaptions (SO) and cap/floors (CF)

-> Liaison between trading desk, reconciliation and control group, and counterparties to resolve any economic discrepancies on trades in timely and efficient manner.

-> Liaison between trading desk, counterparties and legal department to resolve any legal language discrepancies on OTC trade confirmations.

-> Confirmation team in covering all OTC products such as total return swaps, equity options and credit defaults swaps.

-> Understanding and managing settlement of swap cash flows associated with OTC products, including upfront fee, unwinds, quarterly premium and resets.

-> Process all aspects of periodic resets for IRS, CDS, and TRS products.

-> Efficiently identify transaction discrepancies between the client and swap counterparties.

Ensure timely receipt of OTC confirmations from trading counterparties

Operation Analyst

DBOI Global Services Pvt. Ltd
07.2014 - 03.2017

Prime Brokerage - Middle Office Team:-

-> Facilitate trade capture for Clearing, between Client, Executing Broker-Dealers and Central Clearing Parties (CCPs)

-> Responsible for timely trade capture and validation of Interest Rate Swaps for all prime brokered trades

-> Support client certification process - upload or manual booking of test portfolios into the client clearing trade capture infrastructure for potential Client Clearing clients, including the use of different Middleware providers i.e. MarkitWire

-> Exception monitoring and support of trade lifecycle events, e.g. novations and unwinds

-> Documentation of processes and implementation of controls in coordination with the control team

-> Build and maintain a strong relationship with the different business areas and the front office to understanding their needs

Cash Equities Middle Office Team:-

-> I have responsibility for managing all post trade date break and Operational risk across all cash Equity trades.

-> Support to Front Office and ensure trades are matched in a timely & accurate manner.

-> Rectify vesting tasks (technical & economic issues on trades feeding from Front Office to Back Officesystems). Clear T+1 breaks on Clients/brokers and internal Bank transactions.

-> Handling of Risk Market (Spain and Greece) Check if the broker trades are booked with correct registration name as per the client trade to avoid re-registration and buy-in costs.

-> Assist/support client in respect of all kind of operational queries.

Responsible for preparing & analyzing volume report of the team on monthly basis and update the higher management.


MBA - MBA Finance &HR

Tirupati, India

B.Com(CA) - Commerce

SBGR Arts & Science( SVU)
Pakala, India


● Office Package: MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint and MicroSoft Power BI

● Knowledge of the trade life cycle (booking, clearing, execution and breaks resolution), across products such as Swaps, FX, Equity and FI

● Knowledge of Derivative products

● Knowledge on Derivative, FI, Equity and FX Operations, Reconciliation and Post trade events

● Trade Settlement

● Trade Confirmation

● Trade Validation

● Trade booking tools and platforms used by Investment Banking like integrate (Enfusion) Markit serv (Swaps wire), MTM ,Summit, TLM, Omgeo, Euroclear ,TLM, ICE link, Alert, DTCC,Crest, Creation Online and State Street internal Applications

  • Process Improvement
  • Leadership
  • Chat GPT
  • People Management
  • Bloomberg Expertise


Bilingual or Proficient (C2)
Bilingual or Proficient (C2)
Bilingual or Proficient (C2)


* Successful migration of Hedge fund trade capture process from North America to India. Learned the process and Delivered to Team Numbers.

*Successful migration of Listed and OTC Paper confirmation from North America to India. Learned the process and Delivered to Team Numbers.

*Successful migration of OTC (Swap's) Trade Capture from North America to India. Learned the process for client wise and handling independently.

*Successful migration of FI and Equity settlement process from Hongkong to India. Learned the process and handling independently along with Team.

Personal Details

Fathers Name : Thathakallu Venkatesh

Date of Birth : 05/07/1991

Marital Status : Unmarried

Hobbies :Listening to songs and Reading books


  • Certified Microsoft Power BI From Skill Nation
  • Certified Tableau From Skill Nation



Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking
01.2023 - Current

Assistant Manager

Intertrust Group
09.2021 - 11.2022

Level 5 - Team Leader

Mphasis Limited
08.2020 - 09.2021

Senior Analyst (3rd Level of Hierarchy)

UBS – WIPRO Limited
09.2019 - 05.2020

Senior Associate

State Street Corporation
04.2017 - 09.2019

Operation Analyst

DBOI Global Services Pvt. Ltd
07.2014 - 03.2017

MBA - MBA Finance &HR


B.Com(CA) - Commerce

SBGR Arts & Science( SVU)

Work Availability

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Work Preference

Work Type

Full Time

Work Location

Ramesh Thathakalluinvestment Banker