Targeting to express potential in Software Testing/QA/Data Science/Analytics with an esteemed organization.
A competent, steadfast & accomplishment driven professional offering nearly 7 years of rich experience in driving Application Development, Manual Testing, Requirement Gathering, Test Case Preparation across the Retail domain
Capstone Project
My Project was on Bank loan default which focuses to minimize the loan defaulters.
Bank Loan Default, Python, TABLEAU, Machine Learning Specialization Project, Analyze Flight Delay Problem Dataset, Sentiment Analysis on Financial Phrase Bank Dataset., Machine Learning and its Application [Specialization], EDA, Build Classifications based model using KNIME, Model Validation, Text Analytics Diamond Pricing Problem (KNIME), Machine Learning and its Application [Specialization], Analyze if diamond prices from the Singapore Diamond Exchange can be predicted from the independent variables by using a Linear Regression Model., Perform Regression with KNIME, Interpreting the model Forecasting Wine Sales for ABC Estate Wines company, Business Analytics using Python [Specialization], Analyzed historical monthly sales data of a company. Created multiple forecast models for two different products of a particular Wine Estate and recommended the optimum forecasting model to predict monthly sales for the next 12 months along with appropriate lower and upper confidence limits., EDA of Time Series Data, Exponential Smoothening Models Visualizing Car Insurance Claims using Tableau, Data Visualization using Tableau [Specialization], This project explored the art of problem solving with the aid of visual analytics. Tableau's data visualization tools were used to create interactive dashboards to provide high-level insights into an Insurance company to drive the company's car insurance schemes., Data Visualization, Tableau, Business Intelligence.
Date of Birth: 07/11/91
A competent, steadfast & accomplishment driven professional offering nearly 7 years of rich experience in driving Application Development, Manual Testing, Requirement Gathering, Test Case Preparation across the Retail domain.