Employed as an Associate in the Forensic practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers India, specializing in financial services. With over a year of experience, the role involves expertise in Customer Due Diligence, Screening, Transaction Monitoring, and Third-Party Risk Management. Investigative tools, including Factiva, LexisNexis, are regularly used to support assignments.
Marketing Associate, E-Cell DTU
Bull-run of 2020-2022, Studied and analysed bull run in markets, amidst worst economic crash since Lehman Crisis of 2008. Impact of COVID-19 on NSYE, and Indian Stock markets. Indian Stock Market and International Market, Studied comparisons and similarities in patterns, movements in Indian Stock Market with International Markets like NewYork Stock Exchange (NYSE), Hong Kong Stock exchange (HSE), Tokyo Stock exchange (TSE), Russian Stock exchange (RSE), Korean Stock exchange (KSE). Automobile Transmission Analysis, Created educational model of automobile power transmission using MATLAB Simulink. Analysed modern technologies and advancements in transmission systems.