Accomplished servant-leader with 10.6 years of IT Industry experience and 7 years of rich experience as a Scrum Master, successfully delivering large-scale software and web development projects on time and on budget by effectively collaborating, facilitating, leading and coaching multiple Scrum Teams under agile framework. Demonstrated excellence in steering SAFe,Scrum, Kanban Frameworks.
Client: Iron Mountain Inc, USA
Project: Salesforce Cloud CRM application development and Platform enhancements.
Client : Signify NV, Netherlands.
Project: Loftware and Certification application development.
Client : CITI Bank N.A
Project: Customer data management application development.
Client : Societe Generale S.A
Project: Know your customer application.
Billie Blinken | Release Train Engineer (RTE). Iron Mountain Inc , USA. Contact No:+16 103426515.
Christina Bishop | Product Manager (PM). Iron Mountain Inc, USA. Contact No: +16 103423978.
Emily Griffin | Product Owner (PO). Iron Mountain Inc , Arizona, USA. Contact No: +16 103429513.
Aditya Verma | Technical Architect. Iron Mountain Inc, Canada. aditya.verma@Ironmountain.com.