Infant Cry Analysis for Mood Detection:
Mentor: Dr. Lalit Kulkarni | Team Size: 4
Key Skills: Python, Audio Processing, Deep Learning
• Infant cry analysis for mood detection is a process that involves extracting and analyzing acoustic features from infant cries to determine the underlying emotional state.
• By utilizing techniques such as signal processing and deep learning, it aims to classify the cries into different mood categories such as hungry, discomfort, tired, belly pain and burping.
• It relies on features such as pitch, intensity, duration, and spectral characteristics to capture the distinct patterns associated with different moods.
• I worked on the database connection, audio processing and deep learning models for this project.
Heart Disease Detection:
Team Size: 1
Key Skills: Machine Learning Data Science Python Data Visualization
• Likeliness of Heart Disease in a human being using Machine Learning by gathering 13 different readings for a person.
• Visualization was done by using Box Plot, Count Plot, Pair Plot, Heat Map, Linear Plotting.
• Best accuracy of 0.89 was achieved by K-Nearest Neighbor model
Automated Attendance System:
Mentor: Anjali Shejul | Team Size: 4
Key Skills: Deep Learning Face Recognition Python Database MongoDB
• Automated Attendance System is being done by face recognition.
• Entry and exit point for a student will be recorded.
• Total time of a student for which student is present in the class will be calculated according to the entry and exit point recorded.
• If a student total present time does not meet the requirement set by the organization or teacher he/she will be marked absent.
• Visualization was done by using Box Plot, Count Plot, Pair Plot, Heat Map, Linear Plotting.
• Best accuracy of 0.89 was achieved by K-Nearest Neighbor model.