Work History

Varadarajan Narayanasamy



Scientist with proven track record in research and development. Skilled in data analysis, experimental design, and advanced laboratory techniques. Strong focus on team collaboration and achieving results. Known for adapting to changing needs and delivering impactful solutions.


years of professional experience

Work History


National Institute of Hydrology
11.2022 - 05.2024
  • Company Overview: Ministry of Jalshakti, Government of India
  • Water logging and salinity studies on agricultural command areas by applying SWIM and SALTMOD models to predict the impact of salinity on command areas
  • SWIM (Soil Water Infiltration and Movement) a contaminant solute transport model predicts movement of contaminants through an unsaturated zone at different depths and various soil types with time and concentration
  • The concentration at different depths of 30 cm, 60cm, 90cm, 120 cm and 150cm with time of 30 days for various soil types are observed
  • SALTMOD program predicts salinity with adequate drainage conditions to the level of 2.0 ds/m to 3.0 ds/m and predicts higher level of salinity to more than 8.0 ds/m- to 10.0 ds/m without adequate drainage conditions
  • V-LEACH an unsaturated zone leaching one-dimensional contaminant solute transport model to predict the movement of organic contaminants to the ground water
  • It predicts higher concentration of contaminants in higher ground water recharge areas
  • Environmental impact assessment studies of mining activities and thermal power plants on ground and surface water quality in surrounding areas and suggest remedial measures
  • Remedial measures include artificial recharge structures to improve the ground water quality and water levels
  • Selection of suitable site for disposal of fly ash emission from thermal power plants to restrict the movement of fly ash contaminant solutes to the ground water
  • Associated with project titled “Submarine Groundwater Discharge in coastal zone of South India” sponsored by Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India to know the possibility of fresh groundwater discharge into the coastal zone
  • The salinity concentration of fresh groundwater and coastal zone at different depths are observed and compared to know the groundwater discharge into the coastal zone
  • Ministry of Jalshakti, Government of India

Principal Research Assistant

National Institute of Hydrology
11.2015 - 11.2022
  • Company Overview: Ministry of Jalshakti, Government of India
  • Analysis and processing of 18 water quality parameters to meet the standards for drinking, irrigation and industrial requirements
  • The parameters should meet the standards with 10% more or less from the standards
  • The water quality can be classified into four types like potable, palatable, contaminated or polluted and infected water for drinking purposes
  • Each classification should meet the prescribed standards
  • For irrigation purposes, salinity of water as Electrical Conductivity can be classified as low (
  • Generally, the chemical quality of water can be classified as carbonates and bicarbonates types of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium, chlorides and sulphates types of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium
  • The chemical classification-based on concentrations of all the parameters
  • Ministry of Jalshakti, Government of India

Senior Research Assistant

National Institute of Hydrology
04.1998 - 11.2015
  • Company Overview: Ministry of Jalshakti, Government of India
  • Water quality studies of surface water bodies including rivers and lakes, ground water in urban and agricultural command areas to predict water quality status
  • The importance of water quality in surface water bodies to meet the quality status for sustainability of aquatic life and it requires to analyze Dissolved Oxygen levels (DO) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
  • The surface water bodies are required to meet the standards of 4 mg/l of dissolved oxygen as minimum requirement and other physical, chemical parameters for the survival of aquatic life
  • Ministry of Jalshakti, Government of India

Research Assistant

National Institute of Hydrology
09.1987 - 04.1998
  • Company Overview: Ministry of Jalshakti, Government of India
  • Prediction and estimation of field hydrological soil characteristics like infiltration, hydraulic conductivity, permeability, soil moisture, evaporation, evapotranspiration etc
  • The estimation of groundwater recharge, water balance and selection of sites for artificial recharge to ground water
  • The estimation of ground water recharge rate as m/year and balance as percentage increase to meet the future demands for domestic and industrial purposes
  • The artificial recharge structures including natural ponds and percolation ponds are proposed for ground water deficient areas and more exploited areas
  • Ministry of Jalshakti, Government of India


PhD - Department of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering

Visveswaraya Technological University

M.E - Environmental Engineering

Karnatak University

AMIE - Civil Engineering

Institution of Engineers (India)

Diploma - Civil Engineering

Directorate of Technical Education

SSLC - Secondary School Education



  • Laboratory techniques
  • Research and experiments
  • Safety processes and procedures
  • Data Analytics
  • Research methods
  • Results Analysis
  • Chemical Analysis
  • Experimental design


  • Water quality analysis and data interpretation
  • Water quality standards and its importance
  • Water logging and salinity of irrigation command areas
  • Ground water aquifer types and artificial recharge techniques
  • Surface and ground water pollution sources and management


Member of Institution of Engineers (India)


Impact of Urbanization on Surface and Groundwater Quality of Belagavi City using VLEACH MODEL., Assessment of Groundwater Quality in Ghataprabha Command Area, Karnataka, India., Hydrology in Conjunctive use of water., Mercury Pollution in Aquatic Ecosystem., Fluoride Contamination in groundwater of Malaprabha Sub basin., Simultaneous Transport of Water and Solutes under Transient Unsaturated Flow Conditions., Studies on Surface Water Quality Evaluation and Soil Nutrient Status of Bellary nala Catchment., Spatial Variation of Soil and Hydrologic Characteristics in selected Watersheds of Hard Rock Region., Monitoring and Mapping of Groundwater Quality., Modelling of Soil Moisture Movement and Solute Transport in an Agriculture Field., Irrigational Classification of Groundwater in parts of Belgaum District., Impacts on Groundwater Quality by Urbanization., Hydrogeological and Hydrochemical Characterization of Coastal Aquifers., Assessment of Environmental flow requirement and Ecosystem analysis of Bhadra river, Karnataka, India., Application of SALTMOD to estimate root zone salinity in a command area., Estimation of Root zone salinity using SALTMOD., Surface Water Quality Evaluation and Modeling of Ghataprabha River, Karnataka, India., Status of Salinity in Aquifers of Ghataprabha Command Area, Karnataka, India., Assessment of Sedimentation in Tungabhadra Reservoir., Hydrochemical Characteristics of Groundwater., Impact of sewage on Groundwater Quality., Application of Chemical Mass Balance to Water quality data of Malaprabha River.


Guidance for BE and Master of Science students on water quality analysis., Guidance for Diploma Engineering students on basic water quality analysis., Monitoring and Evaluation of Groundwater quality and its mapping using GIS over Belagavi City, Karnataka, India.



National Institute of Hydrology
11.2022 - 05.2024

Principal Research Assistant

National Institute of Hydrology
11.2015 - 11.2022

Senior Research Assistant

National Institute of Hydrology
04.1998 - 11.2015

Research Assistant

National Institute of Hydrology
09.1987 - 04.1998

PhD - Department of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering

Visveswaraya Technological University

M.E - Environmental Engineering

Karnatak University

AMIE - Civil Engineering

Institution of Engineers (India)

Diploma - Civil Engineering

Directorate of Technical Education

SSLC - Secondary School Education

Varadarajan Narayanasamy