Impact of Urbanization on Surface and Groundwater Quality of Belagavi City using VLEACH MODEL., Assessment of Groundwater Quality in Ghataprabha Command Area, Karnataka, India., Hydrology in Conjunctive use of water., Mercury Pollution in Aquatic Ecosystem., Fluoride Contamination in groundwater of Malaprabha Sub basin., Simultaneous Transport of Water and Solutes under Transient Unsaturated Flow Conditions., Studies on Surface Water Quality Evaluation and Soil Nutrient Status of Bellary nala Catchment., Spatial Variation of Soil and Hydrologic Characteristics in selected Watersheds of Hard Rock Region., Monitoring and Mapping of Groundwater Quality., Modelling of Soil Moisture Movement and Solute Transport in an Agriculture Field., Irrigational Classification of Groundwater in parts of Belgaum District., Impacts on Groundwater Quality by Urbanization., Hydrogeological and Hydrochemical Characterization of Coastal Aquifers., Assessment of Environmental flow requirement and Ecosystem analysis of Bhadra river, Karnataka, India., Application of SALTMOD to estimate root zone salinity in a command area., Estimation of Root zone salinity using SALTMOD., Surface Water Quality Evaluation and Modeling of Ghataprabha River, Karnataka, India., Status of Salinity in Aquifers of Ghataprabha Command Area, Karnataka, India., Assessment of Sedimentation in Tungabhadra Reservoir., Hydrochemical Characteristics of Groundwater., Impact of sewage on Groundwater Quality., Application of Chemical Mass Balance to Water quality data of Malaprabha River.