Experience in AWS and Azure ,Git, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible, Terraform and Kubernetes. Implemented a CI/CD pipeline involving GitHub, Jenkins and Docker for complete automation from commit to deployment. Worked on Master Slave Architecture for deploying various applications in Jenkins. Worked on Scheduling Jobs and triggering Jobs in Jenkins. Worked on taking Backup in Jenkins job and pushing the backup into S3 bucket. Worked on Job Migration from one server to another in Jenkins. Implemented Docker on the production side and worked on Docker images, containers and deployed web applications. Worked on Docker file for creating customized Docker Containers. Continually worked towards making improvements in the release process through integration and automation. Experience in creating customized Playbooks for configuring applications in Ansible. Created Ansible Playbooks to provision different Webservers, database servers and other applications and created Roles in Ansible. Created infrastructures using Terraform Resources and modules. Configured Kubernetes using Kops. Hands on experience on Jira Ticketing Tool for creating incidents tickets.
7+ years
Configured deployment, Config Map, Ingress, Secret, HPA, Logstash, Filebeat, MetricBeat, Cron job for scale down and scale up jobs.
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