undefinedESP32 based Light Switch Thermostat Device:
The ESP32-S2 Smart Thermostat to monitor and control the temperature using predefined modes like heat and cool, Auto, FAN and other parameters of the HVAC system. The device has an TFT Color Display with touch and comprises temperature sensor, VOC Sensor. This device can control the HVAC system remotely using the Mobile Application.
My Contribution
Smart Water leakage Detection System:
A Smart low powered water leak detection Gateway that is capable of joining 32 leak Sensors on Zigbee communication, 1 Shut-off Valve, and 2 Range Extenders. The system is based on the ESP32 controller and JN5179 ZigBee Controller. ESP32 manages the Wi-Fi connection, and JN5179 manages the ZigBee Connection.
My Contribution
HVAC Zoning System:
The project is based on the HVAC System in which the Gateway manages the end-devices as well as connects to the cloud, The Role of end devices to maintain the certain user-defined temperature in user-defined Zones and auto-detect pressure in the damper and operate it when the pressure goes out of range. The Gateway runs on an iMX6ULL, and all other END-devices run on an NXP JN5179 Controller.
My Contribution
Wireless System Application Engineering:
The project’s works with the customer to identify & resolve the Bluetooth controller protocol based HCI or link layer product specific issues along with the reproduction and root cause. The work is associated with Bluetooth Host controller based HCI and Link layer protocol and sample application development for the various BLE feature.
My Contribution
Hardware Platforms:
Operating Systems:
FreeRTOS, Micrium OS III, Linux, Windows
UART, ZigBee, BT/BLE, SPI, I2C, Wi-Fi, PWM, LED, LCD, Touch, Timer, ADC, DAC, EEPROM, Flash, RS232
IDEs & Tools:
Visual Studio, Eclipse, lpcXpresso, IAR Workbench, Ellisys BT/BLE Sniffer, Ubiqua Protocol Analyzer, Wireshark, Comprobe, ADB, S32 Design Studio, EB Tresos, Vim
C, Python, Shell