Artificial Intelligence (08/2019 - 11/2019)
- Implemented Various Artificial Intelligence Algorithms as part of Course Projects. Advances Algorithms includes Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithm, Expectation Maximization to learn Probabilistic Bayes Network and minimax with alpha beta pruning and optimization techniques like bitboard representation of state, iterative-deepening search, qui-escent search
On Learning intrinsic reward for Policy Gradient(09/2019 - 10/2019)
- Implemented model-free reinforcement learning algorithm (Policy Gradient) in python to train the Atari Game Pong and Improved performance using LIRPG algorithm to learn the Neural Network based parameterized intrinsic reward.
Buffer Manager (03/2019 - 04/2019)
- Developed Buffer Manager using LRU page replacement policy to optimize reading time of blocks of data from the disk.
- Implemented various functions like binary search , insertion and external merge sort on large database
Machine Learning Projects (07/2018 - 11/2018)
- Created library in Python implementing KNN,SVM,Logistic Regression from scratch. Applied on various datasets.
- Implemented CNN from scratch to classify self-created MNIST data. Verified results using scikit-learn and tenserflow.
- Implemented Artificial Neural Network on Nexys 4 Artix-7 board, with generic network size for easy reconfiguration
Image Processing Libraries (01/2019 - 02/2019)
- Accelerated and analyzed speed-up of different operations used for Image Processing Operations like convolution.
- Implemented a python library (similar to OpenCV) from scratch to perform 3D linear transformation, Noise filtering and histogram matching on an Image.
- Wrote fast and efficient module to Implemented different image compression techniques : DCT , Fourier transform, wavelet transform , Bilinear, Bicubic and seam carving method.
- Image Segmentation-Used morlet wavelet transform, sobel operator and LoG operator for Retinal Vessel Segmentation