Keen to contribute effectively to original research.
Possess strong communication skills and leadership abilities.
In brief, a curious physicist-to-be and an avid learner.
year of professional experience
years of post-secondary education
Work History
Time Series Analysis of X-ray Light Curves of Blac
Mentor: Dr. Banibrata Mukhopadhyay (Department of Physics)
01.2023 - Current
Exploring about various accretion flow models around compact objects.
Study of non-linear dynamical systems, chaotic process and methods for detecting deterministic behavior from 1-D noise contaminated time series data (X-ray light curves).
Digital signal processing techniques to mitigate effect of Poisson noise in X-ray data from RXTE.
Unsupervised ML and correlation dimension based methods for assessing likelihood of signal to be stochastic or chaotic.
Summer Research Fellow
INSA-IASc-NASI Summer Research Fellowship
Nainital, Uttarakhand
06.2023 - 08.2023
SRFP fellowship award received during sophomore year.
Spent two months at Aryabhatta Research Institute for Observational Sciences (ARIES), Nainital.
Learnt how to do near infrared to far infrared observation using India's largest optical/ infrared facility - 3.6m Devasthal Optical Telescope.
Worked on photometric and kinematic survey of NGC 2316 using Gaia and 2MASS data.
Developed novel star-cluster identification techniques using ML.
Research Intern
Dr. Jai Sukhatme's lab (Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, IISc)
03.2022 - 02.2023
Analyzed anomalous precipitation patterns in central south Indian plateau using large volumes of IR/microwave satellite imaging data (TRMM).
Developed independent CFD-aided rain-cell tracking algorithm using.
ML tools for identifying precipitation systems and testing hypothesis based on geophysical reanalysis data (ERA 5)
Bachelor of Science - Physics
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore, Karnataka
08.2021 - Current
High School Diploma -
Vivekananda Academy
Serampore, West Bengal
04.2019 - 03.2021
Fluid dynamics, General Relativity, MHD
Physics Cup 2023 | Platinum medal : Highest possible distinction at PC 2023 contest (Nov 2022 - May 2023). World number 2 ranking. Conducted by Prof. Jaan Kalda (Tallinn University of Technology, Israel). International physics competition for undergraduate physics students.
IYPL (Indian Young Physicist's League) 2023 |1st position: . Selected to represent India at PLANCKS'23 at Milan, Italy. International competition for UG physics students planning to pursue theoretical physics,
NGPE (National Graduate Physics Examination)'23 | Top 1% : Conducted by Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT). Within national top 25 in theory exam (subset of Top 1%).
OPhO'22 (Online Physics Olympiad) | 17th (world rank) : Captain of my team "Quantumplators". Secured 4th position in prelims.
Indian National Astronomy Olympiad (INAO)'21 | Qualified : High school (12th) student. Selected for 2-week OCSC training camp by HBCSE on astronomy and astrophysics.
Additional Information
Volunteer work :
Grading EuPhO'23 : Remotely graded exam papers of high school students participating at the European Physics Olympiad 2023, held at Leibnitz University, Hannover, Germany.
Notebook Drive (@IISc) : Volunteering to teach math and science to primary school kids from economically weak migrant worker families; supplying stationaries and other goodies to them.
Python Debug (@IISc) : Gave free Python tutorial sessions to UG students at IISc who lacked prior programming skills. Especially beneficial for people from biology/ chemistry background.
Hobbies :
Microcontroller electronics
Technical engineering drawings
Browsing arXiv for latest developments
Star gazing
Research Projects
Time series analysis of X-ray light curves of black hole accretion disks (Dr. Banibrata Mukhopadhyay)
Application of Bose-Einstein Condensates (BEC) in Analogue Gravity models, particularly in cosmology (Dr. Rajeev Kumar Jain)
Determination of secondary peaks in daily precipitation over the Central South Indian peninsula by time series analysis and tracking their causal rain systems (April to August) (Dr. Jai Sukhatme)
IRAF (Image Reduction and Analysis Facility))
PASCO Capstone
SRFP fellow | Indian Academy of Sciences, ARIES
Member of National Committee - India | {iaps} (International Association of Physics Students )
Teaching Assistant For Intermediate Optics at Department of Physics, Eberly College of ScienceTeaching Assistant For Intermediate Optics at Department of Physics, Eberly College of Science