Enthusiastic and dedicated researcher, specializing in the field of host pathogen studies. Highly organized, and skilled in written and verbal communication. Able to effectively self-manage and make key decisions during independent projects. Always eager to learn new things. Motivated individual with strong work ethic and working independently. Strong organizational and team collaboration skills with experience in improving processes.
Fast Learner
Positive Attitude
Time Management
Attention to Detail
Team Collaboration
Punctual and Reliable
Active Listening
Computer Skills
Energetic and Enthusiastic
Bilingual in [Language] and [Language]
Flexible Schedule
Complex Problem-Solving
Ethical Awareness
Innovation Skills
Presentation Development
1.) Ankita Ghoshal, Awantika Shah, Balaji Narayanaswamy Kithiganahalli, Regulatory events governing host-pathogen interaction during C. albicans mediated delayed wound healing (manuscript ready to be submitted).
2.) Ankita Ghoshal, Preeti Yadav, Awantika Shah, Balaji Narayanaswamy Kithiganahalli, Understanding the role of a Vitamin A metabolite Adapalene during C. albicans mediated delayed wound healing (manuscript in preparation).