Encouraging team and analytical problem-solver with talents for team building, leading and motivating, as well as excellent customer relations aptitude and relationship-building skills. Proficient in using independent decision-making skills and sound judgment to positively impact company success. Dedicated to applying training, monitoring and morale-building abilities to enhance employee engagement and boost performance.
1. Study of all business Process Flow- Making Brown Paper Presentation- Live Critique Session with the ground level teams.
2. Impact Study- Prioritization of all the Critiques with respect to Criticality of the Business, Ease of Implementation & Impactibility.
3. Categorization of Task- Primary, Secondary & Internal
4. Secondary- Warehouse Consolidation 225 warehouses to 130 warehouses in total.
5. Ownership of Warehouse Consolidation & Pre-Audit Checklist Form’s.
6. Compliance in the warehouses.
7. Cost Benefit Analysis of Warehouse Closure
8. Rate Negotiation with Vendors
9. Open and clear communication with all business stakeholder for approval of Warehouse Merger
10. New Contract making for Carry Forward Agent with Legal & defining roles and responsibilities for the CFA
11. New Route Creation, Mapping & ARC uploading in system
12. Smooth operating of new routes with success percentage
13. Complete warehouse closure for profitability in system