Quality professional with about 10.0 years of experience in the construction of underground metro projects by both top-down and bottom- up construction methodology in major Underground Metro Projects in India. Worked with tunnel by TBM and NATM both method. Worked at Casting yard.
Working currently with Gulermak-Sam India for the Design and Construction of underground metro works at Kanpur Metro underground KNPCC-05 project including four underground station and ramp .
4 underground stations, 5.5 km Tunnel (TBM).
5 underground stations, 6.0 km Tunnel (TBM and NATM).
Worked with Tata Projects Ltd., India for the Design and Construction of underground metro works at Pune Metro underground UGC-01 & UGC-02 project from agricultural college to northern end of Budhwarpeth station.
3 underground stations, 3.5 km tunnel.
Design and construction of underground metro works at Lucknow Metro underground LKCC-06 project from underground ramp near Charbagh metro station to ramp near K.D. Singh Babu stadium station.
Design and construction of 4 nos underground station, Ramp, and cross passage by top-down method
04 underground stations, 4 Ancillary buildings, 16 Entrance & 9 Cross Passages
03 underground stations, and 5.7 km tunnel (TBM & NATM) & 4 Cross Passages.
Design and Construction of Tunnel by Shield TBM and ITO, Delhi Gate, Jama Masjid Station & Mandi House Launching shaft by top-down & Bottom-up Method of phase -3, CC-05
Quality Management System