Hardworking Senior Software Engineer specializing in Java with more than 8 years of experience. I've honed my analytical thinking and collaboration skills, Proficient in Web application development. Focused on usability and performance improvements. Proven history of developing useful, efficient and cost-effective projects.
Technologies :Spring Data Rest, JPA Repositories, REST api call,angular, Mongo DB,maven, Git flow, Mantis, Swagger
App Cohesion
Technologies :JAVA Spring Boot, JPA Repositories, REST api call, AWS lambda,angular, Mysql,maven, Git repository, Jira, Postman
Loan Monitoring System, Core Financial System, Contractor Loan Module
Technologies :JAVA/J2EE,Spring 4,Hibernate 4,JPA Repositories, Spring Boot, Struts2, Jsp, Servlet, Javascript, HTML, Mysql, Wildfly server, Spring Rest web service, Ajax
Technologies :JAVA/J2EE, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Javascript, HTML, Postgresql,JBoss 5.0 server
Wedding shop junction, Centralized social welfare, Billing software
Technologies :JAVA, Jsp, Servlet, Javascript, HTML, Mysql,Tomcat server, core java, swing
Proficient in web application development with back end as Spring Boot and front end as JSP