Highly skilled software development professional bringing enormous talents for software design, development and integration. Offering advanced knowledge of in-demand programming languages. Background writing code and developing systems for Software applications.
Find My Show
A Web scrapping application which guides you to infotainment and entertainment shows / movies available in a specific place / Theater .
Use Case : Using this be a Super-User so that you can select a theater and set alert for specific show so that it will notify once there are enough seats are available so that you can book with ease
Built using - Flask and MySql , NodeJS
Project Management Software
With a minimalist design and architecture and minimalist feature which is rich in the user experience so that there is not much hustle in managing the projects
Built using - Flask and MySql
A blog with quick notes which can be revolution among writers so that reader will have to spend less time and consume more content .
Built using - NodeJS , FLASK , REACTJS in Micro-services Architectur