Work History
Karen Crooke

Karen Crooke

Primary School Principal


I am an enthusiastic Principal/Learner who is eager to contribute to team success through hard work, attention to detail and excellent organisational skills. I have a clear understanding of the learning and teaching role, both middle and senior management roles along with teacher and parent workshop and training skills. I am a learner, I read widely and am willing to grow and excel in all levels of the education system.

I appreciate and respect children and young people. I believe student voice should be strong in the community, that parents play a vital role in the education journey and that we are all in this together. I have led and been trained in safeguarding for my school over the last 5 years.

Authentic data is used to inform decision-making at systems-wide, grade-level and individual student levels.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Primary School Principal

Stonehill International School
08.2018 - 06.2022
  • Created a collaborative team environment focusing on collegiality and mutual respect.
  • Developed team communications and information structures for all meetings.
  • Empowered and developed the role of the Primary Leadership Team.
  • Expanded and empowered Homeroom, Single Subject and Teaching Assistant Teams.
  • Developed and maintained courteous and effective working relationships by respecting voice, choice and ownership.
  • Participated in continuous improvement by generating suggestions, engaging in problem-solving activities to support teamwork.
  • Led professional learning, developed understanding and implemented Response to Intervention (RtI) into the whole school - Early Years through Grade 12.
  • Continue to lead, participate and monitor RtI structures within the Primary School
  • Introduced Professional Learning Communities -attending bi-monthly meetings with grade teams to discuss the learning of every students.
  • Led projects and analyzed systems-wide data to identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Led professional learning in literacy, inquiry, constructivism, differentiation, conceptual learning, the Primary Years Programme.
  • Led monthly parent workshops
  • A member of the Education Leadership Team
  • Used coordination and planning skills to achieve results according to schedule.
  • Developed and implemented teacher-focused performance management improvement structures with strategies and plans to promote continuous improvement.
  • Researched and implemented Toddle - a systems-wide management system

Primary School Principal

American International School of Mozambique
08.2009 - 06.2018
  • As above
  • Introduced and developed understanding of Managebac - a systems-wide management system
  • Introduced and developed understanding of Seesaw - a digital portfolio and messaging tool
  • Led parent-focus groups - Science, Mathematics, Learning Support, Communication, Additional Languages
  • Collaboratively redesigned Narrative Report structure with parents and teachers
  • Led specific professional learning for single subject teachers on conceptual learning and the PYP
  • Edited and curated scope and sequence for single subjects - The Arts, Physical Education and Additional Language
  • Collaborated with the Secondary Principal to review Language, Assessment and Academic Honestly policy
  • Weekly collaboration with the Secondary Principal to build cohesiveness across the school
  • Employed and managed additional staff to ensure all students met expectations - Literacy and Mathematics coaches, Learning Support personnel.
  • Curriculum Coordinator (PYP Coordinator). Weekly planning with grade/subject teams, assessment tools and strategy development, curriculum mapping, developing the programme of inquiry
  • International Baccalaureate PPY Workshop Leader, Collaborator and School Evaluator. Workshops both in-school and regional - 2-3 day. Workshops and collaborations in Ghana, Nigeria, Sudan, Malta, Maldives, South Africa, Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania
  • Chair of the PYP Committee - The Hague. Philosophical direction of the programme, decision-making team.
  • Visual Arts teacher for children aged three through six
  • Introduced and managed Student Lead Conferences and three-way conferencing strategy.
  • Introduced and managed Kelso a self-management programme for young children.
  • School-wide strategic planning

Primary School Principal

St. Andrews International School - Rayong
08.2007 - 07.2009
  • As above
  • Developed infrastructure and protocols
  • Wrote and implemented curricular, planning structures and protocols
  • Collaboratively wrote and implemented units of study
  • Professional learning leader
  • Collaboratively wrote and implemented Performance Management structures

Kindergarten Lead Teacher

Western Academy of Beijing
08.2007 - 06.2009
  • Delivered lesson plans, implemented school curriculum and used data to create, monitor and establish personalized learning plan for each student.
  • Created child-centered learning environment characterized by consistent application of sound mental health and educational psychology practices.
  • Collaborated with other faculty and staff to promote rigorous learning opportunities, general well-being of school and collective interest of staff and student body.
  • Resource management, planning and growth
  • Committee member, Literacy, Report format review and development, Early Childhood team, First Steps trainer, Language policy review, PYP Workshop Leader (led workshops in Hong Kong, China, Thailand, Singapore

Assistant Principal

International School of Tanganyika
Dar es Salaam
08.2000 - 06.2005
  • Supervised and evaluated teaching and support staff through instructional leadership and professional development.
  • Oversaw schedule management and protocols for orientation, registration and related activities.
  • Trained teachers on effective teaching techniques, classroom management strategies and behavior modification.
  • Built and maintained positive relationships with diverse stakeholders, such as parents, school volunteers and outside agencies.
  • Site management and development
  • Curating, editing and developing all curricular - Early Childhood through to Grade 5 (Year 6)
  • Member of the Senior Management Team, and the Primary Management Team
  • Redeveloped a site on the Primary campus as an Early Childhood facility, liaising with architects and builders. Managed the closure of the Early Childhood Campus and the relocation to the Primary campus.
  • Leader - IB Principals forum, Roots and Shoots, Service Learning, the swimming team
  • Educational consultant for Geita Goldmine School, northern Tanzania. Administered Geita Goldmine School with the single teacher on-site
  • Taught Grade 1 for one year before the internal promotion.

Homeroom Teacher - Year 1

International School Hannover Region
09.1998 - 07.2000
  • As above regarding learning and teaching
  • Primary Coordinator - lead the Primary team
  • Wrote Essential Agreements regarding instruction and protocol
  • Planned and implemented integrated lessons to meet school and IB PYP standards.
  • Curriculum Coordinator - PYP
  • Communicated frequently with parents, students and faculty to provide feedback and discuss instructional strategies.
  • Supported student physical, mental and social development using classroom games and activities.
  • Resource development
  • Encouraged creative thinking and motivated students by addressing individual strengths and weaknesses based on standardized testing results.
  • Implemented creative ways to foster curiosity for complex principles through hands-on learning and planned activities.
  • Committee member/lead - PTA, Curricular reviews, Language, Book Week, German, Early Childhood, Handwriting

Homeroom Leader/Teacher Trainer

Sekola Global Jaya
07.1997 - 09.1998
  • As above regarding learning and teaching
  • Lead two homerooms with two teaching teams. Upskill teachers, co-teach, provide immediate feedback and feed forward. Be the expert in the room.
  • Provided assistance to faculty and staff by teaching classes, conducting orientation programs and upskilling colleagues in whole language instruction and inquiry
  • Maintained inclusive learning environment to enable students to gain maximum benefit from lessons.
  • Developed and implemented updating training programs
  • Lead collaboration initiatives, model and utilise in order to embed the structures into the school culture.
  • Led the procurement of instructional reading materials, wrote buying plan, made contact with Australian companies to ensure smooth acquisition of materials
  • Afternoon programme for 2 year olds - perceptual motor training, swimming, play-based interactions

Pre-primary to Year 3 Homeroom Teacher

Spencer Part Primary School
01.1988 - 07.1997
  • As above regarding learning and teaching
  • Maintained energy and enthusiasm in fast-paced environment.
  • Team/Co teaching
  • Leader - Language Committee, Behaviour Management - Canter, Continuous/Negotiated Evaluation, Key-teacher, Pre-Primary - Year 2 Students at risk, Writers Fair, Forst Steps school development, Year 1 network in Albany, Priority Schools
  • Member - School leadership team, Pre-primary steering committee, regional student development team, Cooperative learning, Report Committee, Quality Teaching and Learning at Spencer Park, Policy development, Albany Regional Decision-making committee
  • Present curriculum and social/emotional reviews to parents

Teacher Trainer/Year 1 Teacher

Education Department of Western Australia/Albany Primary School
01.1985 - 12.1986
  • As above regarding learning and teaching
  • Prepared instructional materials for group and one-on-one use to comply with established curriculum.
  • Teacher Trainer - Early Literacy Inservice Course. (ELIC)
  • Located materials and online resources by demonstrating use of equipment and software.

Year 2 Teacher

Wickham District High School
07.1982 - 12.1984
  • See above regarding learning and teaching
  • Member of Language committee, school play committee,
  • Wrote the Parent connection essential agreements
  • Made permanent member of staff at the end of one year of employment - it was unusual at this time...

Gifted and Talented Teacher

Lyndon Station, outside of Carnarvon
01.1982 - 07.1982
  • Prepared lesson plans and executed different modalities to accelerate individual success.
  • Identified children's collective and individual learning needs to plan, prepare and deliver instruction designed to maximize individual learning and capture interest.
  • Liaise with School of the Air and Correspondence personnel in Carnarvon
  • Live and work in a closed environment where cooperation and collaboration ensured harmony


Diploma of Teaching

Edith Cowan University
Perth, Western Australia
02.1979 - 12.1981

Post Graduate Certificate in Education (4th Year) - Education

Oxford Brooks
Oxford, The United Kingdom
04.2001 -

Masters in Education - Educational Leadership

Edith Cowan University
Perth, Western Australia
07.2021 - 07.2022





Masters in Education - Educational Leadership

Edith Cowan University
07.2021 - 07.2022

Primary School Principal

Stonehill International School
08.2018 - 06.2022

Primary School Principal

American International School of Mozambique
08.2009 - 06.2018

Primary School Principal

St. Andrews International School - Rayong
08.2007 - 07.2009

Kindergarten Lead Teacher

Western Academy of Beijing
08.2007 - 06.2009

Post Graduate Certificate in Education (4th Year) - Education

Oxford Brooks
04.2001 -

Assistant Principal

International School of Tanganyika
08.2000 - 06.2005

Homeroom Teacher - Year 1

International School Hannover Region
09.1998 - 07.2000

Homeroom Leader/Teacher Trainer

Sekola Global Jaya
07.1997 - 09.1998

Pre-primary to Year 3 Homeroom Teacher

Spencer Part Primary School
01.1988 - 07.1997

Teacher Trainer/Year 1 Teacher

Education Department of Western Australia/Albany Primary School
01.1985 - 12.1986

Year 2 Teacher

Wickham District High School
07.1982 - 12.1984

Gifted and Talented Teacher

Lyndon Station, outside of Carnarvon
01.1982 - 07.1982

Diploma of Teaching

Edith Cowan University
02.1979 - 12.1981
Karen CrookePrimary School Principal