Work History




Accomplished data scientist with AI, machine learning, and software development expertise, leveraging strong analytical skills and experience in diverse projects and internships to drive innovative solutions.


years of professional experience

Work History

Solution Intelligence Analyst

Essex Lake Group
07.2023 - Current
  • Designed SQL stored procedures for extracting data from governed tables, resulting in direct actionable insights
  • Automated diverse processes in Python, eliminating the need for manual review of test attributes and guidelines on customer accounts. This resulted in an annual saving of over 800 human hours and a significant increase in overall efficiency.
  • Exhibited exceptional problem-solving and analytical skills in collaboration with audit team to uncover hidden patterns and insights within extensive datasets using Snowflake, consistently meeting project deadlines.
  • Worked alongside diverse teams to successfully implement a highly accurate machine learning model (85%) for predicting defaulters in loan repayment across multiple sectors.

Machine Learning Engineer
08.2023 - 09.2024
  • Built an ML Model to recommend optimal prices and promotional prices for Amazon sellers
  • Maximized revenue profit by using Neural Prophet which is a Python library for modeling time-series data based on neural networks
  • Improved the model using customized constraints based on the features

Front-End Developer

D Square
06.2022 - 08.2022
  • Designed a web application using HTML, CSS, Java-Script, Bootstrap, and Angular

Data Scientist

Vedant Fashions (Manyavar)
04.2022 - 06.2022
  • Built a Product Image Classification model to predict a person's orientation (front, back) in an image
  • From OpenCV library used face and eyes cascade classifiers and by using conditional statements predicted the orientation which helped in sequencing images to upload to the website
  • Built a Reverse Image Search model which helps in finding similar images from the database
  • Used pre-trained ResNet-50 Model to extract features of all images in the database and used KNN algorithm to find similar images of the given image
  • Deployed my model as a web application using the Streamlit framework


M.Tech - Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning Applications

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

B.Tech - Ocean and Naval Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


  • C
  • C
  • Python
  • SQL
  • SAS
  • Spark
  • JavaScript
  • TensorFlow
  • PyTorch
  • Keras
  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • Matplotlib
  • OpenCV
  • Seaborn
  • Tableau
  • Git
  • Angular
  • MongoDB
  • Matlab
  • Unity
  • Solidworks
  • Apache Hadoop
  • AWS SageMaker


Prediction of Optimized Route for a Ship Traveling in a Seaway using Artificial Intelligence

  • Developed and implemented a reinforcement learning model to optimize ship routing, minimizing travel time and enhancing safety by considering dynamic weather and ocean conditions.
  • Utilized Deep-Q Network (DQN), Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), and Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) algorithms, incorporating stochastic weather data and hydrodynamic factors into the simulation environment.
  • Achieved significant reductions in travel time and wave heights, demonstrating the effectiveness of AI in dynamic maritime route optimization.

Art Generation with Neural Style Transfer

  • Implemented Neural Style Transfer(NST) to generate a new Image from two different Images with the content of one image and with the style of the other.
  • Used the Pre-trained VGG-19 Model to recognize a variety of low-level and High-level features
  • Separately defined the Content Cost and Style Cost functions and took the relative weightage to Optimize the model

Wordle Solver | AI

  • Solving popular five-letter word guessing game, Wordle using Information Theory and entropy.
  • Deciding the best word based on information gained and choosing at each level to finally land on the target word.
  • Added term frequency weightage to decide to guess the best possible most frequently used word.
  • Created a Graphical User Interface to take manual input or choose the best possible next word.

Deep Audio Classifier | Deep Learning

  • To identify which areas of forest have the greatest density of capuchin birds using audio clips of bird calls.
  • Converted the audio data to waveform and transformed it into a spectrogram using Fourier Transform.
  • Visualized the spectrograms and identified the unique signal patterns of capuchin birds.
  • Built CNN model on spectrograms to classify whether it's a capuchin bird call (Binary classification).
  • Predicted and counted no of capuchin bird calls in a given test audio clip and got an accuracy of 94%.


Machine Learning Engineer
08.2023 - 09.2024

Solution Intelligence Analyst

Essex Lake Group
07.2023 - Current

Front-End Developer

D Square
06.2022 - 08.2022

Data Scientist

Vedant Fashions (Manyavar)
04.2022 - 06.2022

M.Tech - Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning Applications

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

B.Tech - Ocean and Naval Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur