Singing, Painting, Photography, Badminton, Playing flute
Seeking to pursue a challenging career and be part of a progressive organization that allows application of my knowledge, good usage of my strengths and innovative skills, exposure to most modern technologies, and to reach the pinnacle in the teaching, research, and development field with sheer determination and dedication.
Surface modification of Ti-6Al-4V alloy by depositing MMC coating with variant of matrix phases through TIG cladding method
The primal objective of this research work was to develop a hard and wear resistance metal matrix composite (MMC) coating by varying the matrix materials, and its subsequent deposition on the surface of Ti-6Al-4V alloy using TIG cladding technique to enhance the tribological assets of the substrate.
Technical Skill: Proficient in handling TIG/MIG/Laser welding setups, Wire-cut EDM, Pin-on Disc Wear testing machine, Vickers microhardness tester, Fiber laser engraving machine
Singing, Painting, Photography, Badminton, Playing flute
Internship at HAL Sunabeda [one month training]
Awarded first prize for Song Competition on Hall day of GDB at NITR
Academic excellence award for branch topper
Internship at HAL Sunabeda [one month training]
Awarded first prize for 3-D Model designing by Thermacoal in the event of VASSUNT
1St in T-Shirt Painting competition during VASSUNT fest at VSSUT,Burla