Manage projects, lead team and develop embedded software products that provide security for device authentication, IoT nodes and device identity.
Secure Device for Mobile Data Security
A solution to enable secure storage and retrieval of data stored in mobile devices
Advanced Starter Kits
A cross-site multiple projects aimed at further augmentation of existing products for an improved customer engagement.
Java Card based on a cellular specification on IoT
A Java Card project based on a cellular IoT specification aimed at connected device and services in IoT.
Validation of product catering to Vehicle-To-Everything
Cross-site collaboration to independently validate a product developed for Vehicle-To-Everything use-cases.
A high-end security solution to provide trust anchor to IoT device connecting to the cloud. Development of an open-source integration code and Evaluation Kit (XMC 4800) with a Demonstrator. (OPTIGA TRUST M SLS32AIA - Infineon Technologies )