At Aligarh Muslim University, I analyzed the existing deep learning-based video surveillance systems and implemented a novel intelligent video surveillance model using deep learning techniques. The developed model is able to detect suspicious activities from surveillance videos. The work is accepted for publication in sci indexed journal.My background includes advanced skills in Computer Vision and Python libraries, significantly enhancing research and student performance in a technical setting.
1. Deep Learning-Based Video Surveillance System for Suspicious Activity Detection(SCI-Accepted)
2. EASAD: Efficient and Accurate Suspicious Activity Detection Using Deep-Learning Model for IoT-Based Video Surveillance(Scopus-Accepted)
3. Sophisticated face mask dataset: a novel dataset for effective coronavirus disease surveillance(Scopus-Published)
4. Deep Ensemble Model with Improved Score level fusion for Suspicious Activity Detection(SCI-under review)
5. Suspicious Action Recognition Model via Improved Deep Joint Segmentation and Hybrid Model
(SCI-under review)
6. 4 scopus conference papers