Work History
Personal Information
Pragya Mishra

Pragya Mishra



With over 20 years of progressive experience in the HIV and TB space, I possess a deep understanding of working with diverse communities. My expertise lies in developing effective strategies to maximize goal achievement. Throughout my career, I have collaborated closely with various stakeholders, including government systems such as NACO, CTD, SACS, STC, and DTC. By leveraging existing community health structures, I have successfully enhanced the response to these critical health issues.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Team Lead

Palladium India
03.2024 - Current

Palladium India has been awarded the project on Community Based HIV Testing and Linkages implemented in 33 districts across 10 states. The candidate is responsible for the following :

  • Achieved 100% target completion , expansion and yearly renewal of the project.
  • Established result driven and solution oriented monitoring mechanisms
  • Enhanced overall team performance by establishing the development of quality assurance at all levels through establishing capacity building and peer mentoring measures.
  • Facilitated partnership management with the donor partner and the senior management of the organization
  • Co- conceptualization and development of concept notes/ project proposals for business development
  • Facilitate the implementation of the study titled Insurance landscape and PLHIV in India.

Independent Consultant

National AIDS Control Organization
07.2023 - 02.2024
  • The candidate is an individual consultant with the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) for the development of two National Operational Guidelines (for the Prevention Division (Targeted Intervention)
  • She is also responsible for rolling out the two training of trainers and the down training for the Revised Guidelines of the Bridge Population

National Operations Lead

09.2021 - 07.2023
  • Company Overview: REACH is a Sub Recipient of Global Fund for the implantation for the community engagement project- Unite to ACT across 10 states and 80 districts
  • Directed overall operations for Unite to ACT project entities (sub-sub recipients and REACH states)
  • Established project guidelines, Standard Operating Procedures, and other essential documentation
  • Developed and delivered capacity-building training programs at national, state, and district levels
  • Ensured project compliance and timely reporting
  • Designed and documented interventions to amplify grassroots TB response through community engagement
  • Cultivated and maintained relationships with key stakeholders, including State/District TB Cell officials
  • Collaborated with M&E to ensure data quality, hygiene, and timely submission
  • Led the formation and strengthening of TB Survivors' Networks across 10 states, providing guidance on registration and development of relevant materials
  • REACH is a Sub Recipient of Global Fund for the implantation for the community engagement project- Unite to ACT across 10 states and 80 districts

Project Director

07.2020 - 10.2020
  • Company Overview: LEPRA Society is a Sub Recipient of Global Fund for the implantation for Joint Effort for Elimination of Tuberculosis (JEET) in Rajasthan
  • Steered JEET project activities as part of the India Internal Support Unit, fostering collaborative partnerships
  • Developed and maintained strong relationships with key stakeholders, including PRs, State PMUs, prominent private sector TB hospitals/clinics, and State/District TB Officials
  • Oversaw coordination among district-level (PPSA) staff: Field Officers, Senior Field Officers, State Operational Leads, and other project personnel
  • LEPRA Society is a Sub Recipient of Global Fund for the implantation for Joint Effort for Elimination of Tuberculosis (JEET) in Rajasthan

Programme Manager

Resource Group for Education and Advocacy for Community Health (REACH)
04.2018 - 01.2020
  • REACH - TB Call to Action Project worked towards fostering an enabling environment and empower patients, civil society and affected communities to seek accountability and demand high-quality TB services
  • Directed the development and implementation of a multi-state TB survivor capacity building program, including a 4-day curriculum and training manual
  • Established and strengthened community systems for effective grassroots TB response
  • Advocated for TB survivor/patient inclusion in decision-making, including initiating and strengthening TB Survivor Networks
  • Successfully supported the registration of India's first such network, 'TB Mukt Vahini-Bihar.'
  • Partnered with the Central TB Division to conceptualize, design, and implement community engagement strategies under NTEP
  • Facilitated inter-sectoral collaboration by liaising with government officials, engaging elected representatives, and partnering with District TB Cells and the Labour Department to initiate employer-led TB care models
  • Developed inter-sectoral strategies with State TB Cells and facilitated MoU development
  • Sphereheaded a mentorship program across project states, identifying documentation areas for community engagement needs and achievements under NTEP

Consultant: HIV Project/ Project Officer

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
09.2015 - 12.2017

  • Led multi-state training for sexual minority sub-recipients (Global Fund RD IX)
  • Spearheaded stakeholder consultations to strengthen TG Bill and HIV Act legislation
  • Empowered community-based organizations to advocate for marginalized groups
  • Forged partnerships to address inclusivity barriers: legislation, social protection, livelihoods
  • Directed research to generate evidence for impactful programs
  • Advocated for an inclusion of sexual and gender minorities in social protection schemes and policies.
  • Collaborated with NACO on research for evidence-based policy; oversaw quality assurance for UNDP/NACO activities; developed their annual work plan

Consultant- Programme Management Unit

National AIDS Control Organization
10.2013 - 05.2015
  • The candidate was a part of a five member Project Management Unit (PMU) that supervises the implementation of the National Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveillance (IBBS) that is implemented in more than 276+ districts among the High Risk Groups
  • Managed the monitoring and capacity building of staff across multiple IBBS phases in designated regions
  • Oversaw the development of high-quality training modules, guidelines, tools, and presentations in coordination with consultants
  • Tracked and reported on key indicator progress for Regional/Reference Laboratories, Regional Institutes, and Field Research Agencies, ensuring timely implementation
  • Developed and implemented training and monitoring plans for designated states
  • Created a monitoring plan for national consultants responsible for field work training and supervision
  • Ensured the quality of data collection

Organizational Development Coordinator

AFS Intercultural Programs, India
02.2013 - 09.2013
  • The candidate was responsible for overall organizational development and growth that included:
  • Developed strategies for staff and volunteer development and progress
  • Developed strategies in the field of branding of the organization for increased visibility of the organization
  • Network and coordination with likeminded organization for the visibility and promotion of the organization
  • Collaboration with various agencies for bringing in more projects

Programme Officer

National AIDS Control Organization
10.2012 - 02.2013
  • The candidate as the Programme Officer and Technical Officer was responsible for overall programme management of the Link Worker Scheme (A rural Scheme of NACO) across 163 Districts in 20 States
  • Managed the Office of Inspector General audit for GFATM Rd VII
  • Oversaw the development and dissemination of capacity-building documents (training modules, guidelines, tools) for project staff
  • Galvanized existing community health system structures for effective grassroots HIV response
  • Managed the development and quality of program studies, evaluations, and assessments
  • Facilitated data compilation and analysis for Link Worker Scheme (LWS) planning and monitoring
  • Developed programmatic and financial benchmarks for each state
  • Provided technical support to State AIDS Control Societies and Implementing Agencies
  • Co-developed State AIDS Control Society Annual Action Plans, ensuring adequate LWS budgeting
  • Coordinated with agencies to ensure effective rollout of LWS studies and research
  • Led the LWS evaluation process, including developing the evaluation manual and tools

Overseas Volunteer: Programme Development Advisor

Voluntary Service Overseas – Nepal
11.2008 - 11.2010
  • The candidate was an overseas volunteer with VSO- Nepal
  • The candidate worked for two grass-roots level organization in Pokhara
  • The main responsibilities included:
  • Developed project proposals, organizational tools for reporting, staff development, M&E
  • Capacity building across diverse areas (life skills, M&E, reporting, STI, SRH, resource mobilization)
  • Developed strategic plans, including a 5-year organizational strategy and annual joint plans with partners
  • Successful grant writing and resource mobilization experience

National HIV Coordinator

Indian Red Cross Society, National Head Quarters
01.2006 - 10.2008
  • The candidate was responsible for overall coordination and supervision of Indian Red Cross Society’s HIV Programme in 21 Districts across 10 States
  • The major responsibilities included:
  • Developed the 5 yr strategy of the Indian Red Cross
  • In-charge of overall programme management and implementation
  • Planned, implemented and monitored the capacity building training programmes across 7 States for the Youth Peer Education Programme of Indian Red Cross Society
  • Liaison with various stakeholders to ensure that the programme is smoothly implemented

Project Coordinator (Regional Resource Training Centre)

Society for Promotion of Youth and Masses
05.2005 - 01.2006
  • As the Project Coordinator (Regional Resource Training Centre), the candidate was responsible for organizing and coordinating various training Programmes on HIV and Drug Abuse Prevention for the Capacity Building of the staff of De-addiction and Rehabilitation Centres in the Northern Region of India
  • She was also responsible for documentation and report writing


Canada World Youth Exchange Programme
09.2004 - 03.2005
  • As a part of the programme the candidate worked in an organization called 'Rainbow Resource', a Canada based organization working on the issues of the LGBTIQ+ community
  • In the India phase the applicant worked with Society for Promotion of Youth & Masses (SPYM), on the issues related to organizing and conducting trainings on HIV and AIDS in selected government hospitals of Delhi

Documentation Officer

Society for Promotion of Youth and Masses
06.2004 - 08.2004
  • Worked as Documentation Officer in the 'Care and Support Programme' for the PLHIVs in 'Society for Promotion of Youth and Masses' an organization working in the field of HIV and AIDS and Drug de-addiction
  • The work involved identifying government hospitals in Delhi and conducting awareness workshops regarding HIV and AIDS in the hospital setting
  • She was also responsible for documentation and report writing


Masters - Social Work

Tata Institute of Social Sciences
01.2002 - 01.2004

LLB - undefined

Faculty of Law, University of Delhi
01.1999 - 01.2002

B. A - Sociology, Hons

University of Delhi
01.1996 - 01.1999

XIIth - undefined

Army Public School
01.1994 - 01.1996

Xth - undefined

St. Agnes’ Loreto Day School
01.1992 - 01.1994


Large scale implementation and management

Personal Information

Date of Birth: 07/04/78


1. Ms. Elizabeth Michael


AIDS Health Foundation

Post held

Director- Opertations and Partnership


+91 8447589989


2. Dr. Rajesh Kumar


Society for Promotion of Health and   Masses (SPYM)

Post held

Executive Director


+91   -9891268872



Team Lead

Palladium India
03.2024 - Current

Independent Consultant

National AIDS Control Organization
07.2023 - 02.2024

National Operations Lead

09.2021 - 07.2023

Project Director

07.2020 - 10.2020

Programme Manager

Resource Group for Education and Advocacy for Community Health (REACH)
04.2018 - 01.2020

Consultant: HIV Project/ Project Officer

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
09.2015 - 12.2017

Consultant- Programme Management Unit

National AIDS Control Organization
10.2013 - 05.2015

Organizational Development Coordinator

AFS Intercultural Programs, India
02.2013 - 09.2013

Programme Officer

National AIDS Control Organization
10.2012 - 02.2013

Overseas Volunteer: Programme Development Advisor

Voluntary Service Overseas – Nepal
11.2008 - 11.2010

National HIV Coordinator

Indian Red Cross Society, National Head Quarters
01.2006 - 10.2008

Project Coordinator (Regional Resource Training Centre)

Society for Promotion of Youth and Masses
05.2005 - 01.2006


Canada World Youth Exchange Programme
09.2004 - 03.2005

Documentation Officer

Society for Promotion of Youth and Masses
06.2004 - 08.2004

Masters - Social Work

Tata Institute of Social Sciences
01.2002 - 01.2004

LLB - undefined

Faculty of Law, University of Delhi
01.1999 - 01.2002

B. A - Sociology, Hons

University of Delhi
01.1996 - 01.1999

XIIth - undefined

Army Public School
01.1994 - 01.1996

Xth - undefined

St. Agnes’ Loreto Day School
01.1992 - 01.1994
Pragya Mishra