To work with complete dedication and service with an intention to fulfill the interests of the organization. Competent and caring Staff Nurse offering 9 years of coordinating and carrying out patient care in high-volume hospital environments. Demonstrated performing with speed and accuracy to assess patients, deliver treatments and delegate tasks. Proven history of advocating for patient needs and fostering top-quality care.
Ischemic Heart Disease, Myocardial Infraction, Unstable Angina, Congestive Cardiac Failure, Pulmonory Oedema, Supraventricular Tachycardia, Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Bronchial asthma, Brocho pneumonia, Bronchitis, Brochiectasis, Peptic Ulcer Haemoptysis, Mumps, Chicken Pox, Tonsillitis, Gastroenteritis, Anemia, Snake Bite, Appendicectomy, Cholecystectomy, Tonsillectomy, Mastectomy, Head Injuries for Observation, Diabetic Ulcer, Fractures, Instestinal Obstruction, Parkinsonism, TKR, THR, Cancer Patients & Commando Surgery.
ECG Machine, Cardiac Monitor, Infusion Pump, Sypringe Pump, Nebulizer, One Touch Glucometer, Centralized Oxygen & Suction, Laryngoscope, Computer, Suction Machine
Maintaining the drugs and supplies as per standing order. Maintaining the equipments in working condition. Maintaining emergency drugs and the equipments at the accessible place only. Barrier Nursing Scrubbing and hand washing isolation precaution.
Ryles tube insertion, Administration of medicines (Oral/injection), Oxygen Therapy, Transfusion and infusion therapy, Suturing and suture removal, Urinary Catheterization, Bladder Irrigation, Cardio pulmonary resuscitation, ABG sampling, Bowel wash, Dressing, Tracheotomy care, Colostomy care
XVII-2865 Dated 11 Nov 2011
MS Office