Oracle Cerner, Bangalore, India
AWS/Hadoop Developer
- Worked extensively on Hadoop components such as HDFS, Hbase, Oozie, Hive and Crunch based MapReduce programming in implementing core ETL pipeline to read data from HDFS and transform to load into AWS Opensearch/Solr.
- Involved in migration of ETL Pipelines to ingest data into AWS/OCI Opensearch clusters with search capabilities
- Migrated Rest services to consume data from Opensearch/Hbase, optimised query performances with effective data indexing
- Data analysis using visual dashboards and discover tools using opensearch Kibana & logstash tools.
- Contributed to code coverage, enhanced support monitoring dashboards using newRelic and splunk dashboards
Environment : Hadoop, CDH, MapReduce, Java, HDFS, Hive, Oozie, AWS Opensearch, Apache Solr, Oracle ATP, Spinnaker, Docker, Kubernetes, EMR, REST services, Maven, Mockito, Junit
Cerner Healthcare, Bangalore, India
Java/Hadoop Developer
- Involved in end-to-end implementation of ETL pipeline to read data from HDFS, transform using MapReduce programs and load into Vertica tables
- Developed Oozie workflows to manage and schedule jobs on Hadoop cluster to trigger on batch cycles
- On demand secure EMR launcher with custom ETL submit steps using S3 Event, SNS and Lambda function
- Worked on QA support activities, test data creation and Unit testing activities
- Implemented POC to introduce Spark transformations
- Setup the ETL workflows in On-prem environments & AWS EMR clusters
- Involved in writing Junit test cases, ensure to maintain a threshold percent of code coverage
Environment : Hadoop, CDH, MapReduce, Java, HDFS, Hive, Oozie, Java, Jenkins, Junit, Mockito, Maven, Vertica, SQL
Philips, Bangalore, India
Java Developer
- Introduced Elasticsearch into application for effective data indexing and search functionality
- Implemented the Single-Sign-On (SSO) authentication in the application using Spring Security SAML
- Created and maintained the configuration of the Spring Application Framework
- Mapped business objects to database using Hibernate
- Used Spring JDBC to define DAO classes to interact with database
- Developed Stored procedures and triggers using PL/SQL in order to calculate and update tables to implement Business logic
- Involved in creation of Testcases for Unit testing
Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring MVC, SpringBoot, Rest API, Elasticsearch, SQL, PL/SQL, Postgresql, Hibernate, Junit, Mockito