Assistant Manager (P&M)
Currently, working as an “Assistant Manager (Plant & Machinery)” from 17th April, 2023.
- Setting up Operation & maintaining a critical equipment database
- Attending to technical issues (breakdown maintenance) as needed through self and third parties, including responsibility for contractor safety control
- Setting up & maintaining a third-party maintenance contract program, including contract management and contractor on-site support, that also includes site contractor safety control
- Setting up & maintaining a preventive maintenance / regulatory inspections schedule of asset for process equipment
- Definition of spare parts requirement and maintaining stock
- Developing a technical documentation archive
- Managing required maintenance resourcing (outsourced) as required
- Maintaining a maintenance work order & cost control system
- Taking part in Operations co-ordination meetings and agreeing on work schedules and priorities with manager
- Implement preventive and predictive maintenance systems to prevent failures and/or unscheduled outages
- Responsible for plant maintenance including facilities, utilities and operations to reduce downtime and assure peak plant efficiencies
- Determines planning for manpower requirements as per project and schedules overtime as needed.