To have a growth-oriented challenging career where I can contribute my skills and knowledge to the organization through continuous learning and teamwork.
Programming Languages: C, C, Java & DSA
Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms
Question Bank Preparation and Automatic Paper Generation, The main goal is to develop a system that generates question papers for institutional exams. The front end is built with HTML, CSS, JS, and JSP, while the internal logic is coded in Java, with a MySQL database for data storage., As the team lead, I analyzed the project requirements, allocated tasks based on team members' skills, and played an active role in the development process.
"E-Health Care Advisor" is an online healthcare information system that offers patients services related to health issues. It was built using ORACLE, RAD, Apache Tomcat Web Server, and Rational Software technologies. I actively contributed to the project's database design and requirements analysis.
Full Stack Web Development
Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms