Detail- orientated Operation Management adept at making critical decisions, managing deadlines and conducting team reviews. With expertise in analysis and quantitative problem-solving skills, dedicated to company growth and improvements.
1. Responsible for storage of consumable,RM,BOP,Trading, and other development items with proper storage norms like one part one location, easy accessable manner, proper identification, and as per FIFO .
2. Responsible for supplier scheduling as per customer demand forecasting and production planning,
3. Responsible for provision and forecasting for accounting.
4. Responsible for smooth operation, inventory control , transport planning for dispatch and inward
5. Responsible to maintain inventory as per budget and minimum, maximum level of inventory.
6. Responsible to maintain healthy and safe environment and plan to avoid near miss , hazard , and training of operator s as per schedule .
7. Maintain skill matrix and planing to train staff for batter working
8. Responsible to do kaizen s as per team ideas and self and audit observations for error proofing and smooth operation
9. Responsible for customer DI as per schedule
10. Responsible to reconcile freight cost, and rented bills before submitting to account.
11. Responsible to push production to get material as per customer schedule or DI
12. Responsible to do complete customer schedule s till EOM for spairs and till EOD of OE DI
Supply Chain Management ( Demand Planning, Forecasting And
Monitoring For In Time Delivery)
Logistics Management( Cost Efficient Logistics Planning , Vendor
Development , Negotiation, Rute & Mode Planning Of Transaction Like Ship, Air, Roads ,Transport s To Reduce Logistics Cost Of
Supply With Time Management.) Order Management (Strong Coordination With Entire Operational Departments To Deliver Stock
To Customer As Per TAT, Preparation Of Necessary Documents Like Invoice , E - Way Bill, ASN, Manifest, Custom Forms And Border
Crossings Document s, QC Certificate s, Order Supporting Copy To Avoide In Transit Barriers.
Inventory Management ( Cycle Count, Blind Count, Daily, Weekly ,Monthly Stock Validation Book Stock Vs Physical Stock With Propper
Utilisation Of Man, Machine , Material To Maintain Stock And Avoid Any Break Down In Production Line , Strong In Data Analysis, MIS
KPI, Dashboard Creation and Data Visualization , Stock Ageing To Avoid Dead Stock, Stock Expiry, And Monitoring With Minimum And Maximum Level Of Inventory And Setting Reordering Parameters To
Avoid Stock Out Full Contol Over Plant Stock on Different Categories Like WIP Stock, FG Stock, Row Material, BOP Stock Consumable
Stock, Indent Items Stock. And Other Child Parts With Maintenance Of Shefty Stocks . Strong Knowledge In Stock Audits Like ISO Audit, TS Audit, And Finance Internal Audits etc.
Team Management ( Good In Teem Management With Team Training , Motivation, Work Distribution, Monitoring Of Work Flow ,
Monitoring Team Performance And Give Appreciation To Deserving Team Member Track Team Performance , Organise Team RNR For
Motivation And Develop Safe Process With Follow Of HR And Shefty Protocol To Avoid Any Incident In The Work Place , Arrange Morning Meeting To Discuss Last Day Working Problems , Barriers , Miss Conduct , Break Down Reasons , And Other problems occurs To Understand Reasons And Find Out Solutions On The Spot To Avoid
Any Future Operation Failure And Understand Team Performance Vs
Customer Relationship Management( customer Queries, Feedback, Product Review s Return Management, Short Access Resolution, Warranty Process, Rework Process And Resolution For
Customer Setisfaction etc
Floor Operation Management ( Inbound Operational Process
Monitoring Like Gate Entry, Vehicle Unloading QC Check , MRN, MRR, Material Storage , Line Feeding As Per Production Requisition Or Requirement, Job Work Chalan Creation , RGP Creation And Reconciliation, BOM Review & Analysis, To Find Out Reasons Of Gap In Stock Outbound Operation Like Sales Order Creation As Per PO. Delivery Schedule Creation, Dispatch Note , Invoicing , E- Way Bill Creation, Manifest & Transport Planning, Loading , Shipment
Tracking Return Management . 5 S Maintenance Kaizan Implementation responsibility With Conflict Management Technique.