Work History
Awards Recognitions
Book & Book Chapters
Personal Information
Dr. Shakti Rath

Dr. Shakti Rath



Accomplished Associate Professor with extensive experience in microbiological research and academic publishing at Siksha O Anusandhan University. Proven ability to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and mentor students, resulting in significant contributions to research project grant writing. Skilled in laboratory management and online teaching, effectively blending technical expertise with strong interpersonal skills. Aiming to further advance educational practices and enhance research initiatives within the academic community.


years of professional experience

Work History

Associate Professor (Microbiology & Research), PhD Coordinator

Institute of Dental Sciences/Sum Nursing College, Siksha O Anusandhan (Deemed to be) University
05.2021 - Current
  • Leading academic sessions covering microbiology, genetics, and research methodology at a university level.
  • Overseeing doctoral dissertation research, supporting publication efforts.
  • Overseeing graduate research projects, contributing to dissertation development.
  • Facilitating cross-departmental partnerships to design interdisciplinary student programs.
  • Evaluating academic journal manuscripts for publication.
  • Selecting candidates who demonstrate strong potential to support research projects.
  • Drafting grant proposals to secure funding for innovative research projects.
  • Guiding junior faculty on effective teaching strategies.
  • Supervising postgraduate students in conducting research tasks.

Assistant Professor (Microbiology & Research)

Institute of Dental Sciences/ Sum Nursing College, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan (deemed to be) University
01.2018 - 04.2021
  • Oversaw academic research efforts supporting journal submissions.
  • Oversaw UG and PG research work
  • Authored articles, book chapters, and books on specialized topics.
  • Delivered instruction across various courses, spanning both lecture and laboratory formats.

Assistant Professor (Microbiology & Biotechnolgy)

MITS School of Biotechnology
01.2015 - 01.2017
  • Structured coursework to align with targeted educational achievements and milestones.
  • Coordinated field study sessions to provide students with hands-on experience.
  • Delivered course lectures using modern technology to enhance student comprehension.
  • Supervised dissertational research work to assist research publication process.

Lecturer (Microbiology & Biotechnology)

BJB Autonomous College
01.2010 - 01.2011
  • Conducted educational lectures for undergraduate and graduate cohorts.

Teaching Assistant (Biotechnology)

MITS School of Biotechnology
01.2009 - 12.2009
  • Tracked student advancement through precise documentation of academic outcomes.
  • Ensured readiness of equipment for lab sessions.
  • Enhanced student comprehension through personalized and group instruction.


PhD - Microbiology

Utkal University

Masters in Science - Microbiology

Bangalore University

PGDMMI - Medical Microbiology & Immunology

Jain Institute

Bachelor in Science - Microbiology

Bangalore University


  • Microbiological Research
  • Grant Proposal Development
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration
  • Student mentorship
  • Academic publishing
  • Laboratory management
  • Project management
  • Online class discussion
  • Academic publication
  • Classroom instruction
  • Research and analysis
  • Research expertise
  • In-class lectures
  • Online teaching
  • Research proposals
  • Course lecturing
  • Course development
  • Student assessments


  • Supervising 3 PhD theses on microbial biotechnology, clinical microbiology & molecular biology
  • Guided 1 ICMR STS Project on oral bacterial infections in COVID-19 patients
  • Guided 6 MDS theses on oral microbiology and infections
  • Supervised 30+ M.Sc. dissertations on medicinal plants & MDR bacteria
  • Research on antibacterial properties of phytoextracts against enteropathogenic bacteria and Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • Experience in in vitro & in vivo studies on antimicrobial properties of ethnomedicinal plants


  • Institute of Scholars, Bangalore, India, InSc20203278, 02/01/20
  • Microbiologist Society, India, MAHA/4814/SAT, 10/01/22

Awards Recognitions

Young Researcher Award, 2020, Institute of Scholars, Bangalore, India, Research paper “Rath S, Sahu MC, Dubey D, Debata NK, Padhy RN (2011). Which values should be used as the lethal concentration 50 (LC50) with bacteria? Inter-Disciplinary Sci − Comput Life Sci 3:138-143.”


  • Oral Microbiota a host in disguise inviting Oral cancer, Das R, Misra SR, Rath S, Mohapatra SSG, Microbes Infectious Dis, 2025, 10.21608/MID.2024.262137.1755
  • Oral Biofilm Producing Reactive Oxygen Species: Leading to Inflammation and Cancer, Rath S, Bangladesh J Infectious Dis, 2025, 11, 2, 233–234
  • Salivary dynamics: Assessing pH, glucose levels, and oral microflora in diabetic and non-diabetic individual, Saha S, Mohanty S, Mohanty N, Sharma N, Rath S, IP Int J Med Microbiol Trop Dis, 2024, 10, 4, 387-392
  • Metagenomics: An Unbiased Tool for Understanding and Preventing Pandemics, Rath S, Al-Kindy Col Med J, 2024, 20, 3, 258-259
  • Exploring the photosensitizing potential of Nanoliposome Loaded Improved Toluidine Blue O (NLITBO) Against Streptococcus mutans: An in-vitro feasibility study, Panda S, Rout L, Mohanty N, Satpathy A, Sankar Satapathy B, Rath S, et al., PLoS ONE, 2024, 19, 10, e0312521
  • In silico prediction of pandemics: A computational tool to complement real-world assessment, Rath S, Epidemiol Health System J, 2024, 11, 3, 169-170
  • Prevalence β-lactam resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from chronic suppurative otitis media infections: A single center survey in Eastern India, Singhsamanta D, Dubey D, Rath S, Das SR, IP Int J Med Microbiol Trop Dis, 2024, 10, 3, 258-264
  • Evaluation of antibacterial effectiveness of antiseptic ointments on the suture material's bacterial colonization at the impacted third molar site: An in vitro study, Rathor K, Lenka S, Nayak S, Nagarajappa R, Rath S, Sahoo S, Bej A, Int Res J Multidiscipl Scope, 2024, 5, 3, 487-494
  • Correlation of Total Salivary Protein and Glucose in Children with Dental Caries Yielding Candida Species, Pradhan S, Priyadarshini SR, Rath S, Misra SR, Palai S, Int Res J Multidiscipl Scope, 2024, 5, 3, 699-705
  • The prospect of probiotics in Helicobacter pylori-induced peptic ulcer disease: A perspective review, Kar B, Biswaroy P, Dubey D, Rath G, Mishra D, Ghosh G, Rath S, IP Int J Med Microbiol Trop Dis, 2024, 10, 2, 87-94
  • Evaluation of the Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of the Nutritionally Rich Plant, Dioscorea alata L., Induar, S Dubey D, Rath S, Meher RK, Swain SK, Tripathy SK, Biomed Pharmacol J, 2024, 17, 2, 1265-1278
  • Urinary Tract Infection Related to Indwelling Catheterization and Associated Factors Among≥ 50-year-old Females at A Tertiary Care Hospital, Odisha, India, Pradhan R, Tripathy P, Kar D, Mohapatro P, Rath S, Int Res J Multidiscipl Scope, 2024, 5, 2, 714-22
  • Microbial Waste Management in Healthcare Settings: A Review, Rath S, Tripathy SK, Dubey D, Swain SK, Panda S, Int J Adv Life Sci Res, 2024, 7, 2, 1-8
  • Exploring rapid molecular methods for diagnosing Candida species infecting humans: A narrative review, Dubey D, Rath S, Subhadarshini SS, Purohit GK, Tripathy D, Panigrahi R, Palai S, Samanta SD, Microbes Infectious Dis, 2024, 5, 1, p336-346
  • Occupational Stress Amongst Dental Professionals During COVID-19: A Questionnaire-Based Study, Priyadarshini RS, Sahoo PK, Patnaik S, Rath S, Int Res J Multidiscipl Scope, 2024, 5, 1, 216-223
  • Traditional Knowledge-Driven Screening of 30 Medicinal Plants from Gandhmardhan, Odisha, that are effective against human multidrug resistant pathogenic bacteria, Dubey D, Rath S, Tripathy SK, Kumar S, Swain SI, Int Res J Multidiscipl Scope, 2024, 5, 1, 207-215
  • Prevalence of Root Caries Among 65-75-Year-Olds of Khordha District, Odisha: A Cross-Sectional Study, Bal SCB, Satyarup D, Prasanna R, Rath S, Sethy S, Singh B, Int Res J Multidiscipl Scope, 2024, 5, 1, 190-197
  • Comparative evaluation of antibacterial and anti-adherent properties between titanium oxide, silver dioxide coated, and conventional orthodontic wires against Streptococcus sanguis causing gingivitis, Das M, Pattnaik N, Das D, Swadesh SS, Rath S, Manek PV, Makkad RS, J Pharm Bioallied Sci, 2024, 16, S1, 948-950
  • Prevalence of salivary microbial load and lactic acid presence in diabetic and non-diabetic individuals with different dental caries stages, Mohanty M, Govind S, Rath S, Restorative Dentistry Endodontic, 2024, 49, 1, e4
  • A comparative analysis of bacterial adhesion on different long-term provisional fixed prostheses fabricated by CAD/CAM milling, 3D printing, and heat cure technique: An in vitro study, Kumari MK, Mohapatra, Rath S, Choudhury GK, Garhnayak M, Mohapatra A, J Pharm Bioallied Sci, 2024, 169, S1, 921-923
  • Exploring rapid molecular methods for diagnosing Candida species infecting humans: A narrative review, Dubey D, Rath S, Subhadarshini SS, Purohit GK, Tripathy D, Panigraghi R, Palai S, Samanta SD, Microbes Infectious Dis, 2024, 5, 1, p336-346
  • Biosurfactants: Moving Towards Healthcare Applications, Purohit GK, Dubey D, Rath S, Subhadarsini SS, Tripathi D, Sahu LS, Int J Adv Life Sci Res, 2024, 7, 1, 24-37
  • Knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding deep dentinal caries removal before root canal treatment and restoration among practicing dental surgeons, Panda SK, Sinha A, Rath S, Sahoo KK, Palestinian Med Pharma J, 2024, 9, 1, 43-48
  • H3N2: A Perspective on re-emergence of Influenza Pandemic, Rath S, New Emirates Med J, 2024, 5, 1, e02506882291440
  • Bacterial Infection in Head and Neck Space Regions: A Narrative Review, Lenka S, Rath S, Swain SK, Dubey D, New Emirates Med J, 2023, 4, 2, e170423215843
  • Perception of Patients towards dental treatment during COVID-19, Satyarupa D, Mohanty S, Nagarajappa R, Mohapatra I, Dalai RP, Rath S, An-Najah Univ J Res-A (Natural Sci), 2023, 37, 2, 1-6
  • Polyherbal formulation: An alternative therapeutic approach to treat Diabetic foot ulcer, Dubey D, Rath S, Meher RK, Dalai SP, Dash JK, Swain SK, Health Biotechnol Biopharm, 2023, 6, 4, 1-3
  • Climate change and change in transmissibility of vector-borne diseases: A Short Review and Bibliometric analysis, Akhtar N, Rath S, Microbes Infectious Dis, 2023, 4, 3, 1053-1058
  • Monkeypox infection: Epidemiology update with analysis on community transmission risk, Akhtar N, Rath S, Palai S, Panda S, Microbes Infectious Dis, 2023, 4, 3, 754-61
  • Clinical manifestation and microbial profiling of recurrent MDR microorganisms associated with head and neck infection- a retrospective study, Lenka S, Dubey D, Rath S, Das S, Swain SK, Healthcare Low Resource Settings, 2023, 11, 1, 1-7
  • Natural therapeutics for cancer treatment: success, challenges, and prospect, Dubey D, Rath S, Meher RK, Mishra S, Panda SS, Ray S, Tripathy S, J Bio-X Research, 2023, 6, 61-72
  • Comparative oral metagenome insight into acute and chronic root canal infections, Kumari KS, Dixit S, Gaur M, Behera DU, Das P, Subudhi E, Rath S, J Bio-X Research, 2023, 6, 4, 117-123
  • CRISPR in dentistry: A boon or bane, Garhnayak M, Rath S, Garhnayak L, Panda S, Microbes Infectious Dis, 2023, 4, 4, 1178-1182
  • Recent advances in vulvovaginal Candidiasis research: A narrative review, Dubey D, Purohit GK, Rath S, Subhadarshini SS, Panigrahi R, Novel Res Microbiol J, 2023, 7, 6, 2188-2198
  • Evaluation of the antimicrobial effect of citrus pulp, peel, and juice extracts against Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus acidophilus, Satyarup D, Panda S, Nagarajappa R, Rath S, Mohapatra S, Palestinian Med Pharma J, 2023, 8, 3, 263-272
  • Perception of risk, fear, compliance, and social stigma associated with the COVID-19 pandemic among dental patients of Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Satyarup D, Jena M, Nagarajappa R, Upasana Dhar U, Rath S, Palestinian Med Pharma J, 2023, 8, 3, 289-296
  • Evaluation of the antibacterial activity of Coccinia grandis against bacteria isolated from chronic suppurative otitis media infection, D Dubey, SK Swain, S Lenka, RK Meher, B Kar, S Rath, J Appl Biol Biotech, 2023, 11, 1, 139-145
  • Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of the use of Nanoparticles in the Treatment of Oral Cancer Patients, Rath S, Mohapatra D, Mohanty N, New Emirates Med J, 2022, 3, 2, e210922209013
  • Evaluation of Oral Hygiene Status, Salivary Fluoride Concentration and Microbial Level in Thalassemic and Hemophilic Patients, Rath S Nayak S, Govind S, Jena A, Samal P, Siriraj Med J, 2022, 74, 5, 314–322
  • The onset of mucormycosis amidst COVID‑19 crises in India: A systematic analysis, Rath S, J Indira Gandhi Inst Med Sci, 2022, 8, 2, 94-97
  • Oral Biofilm: Development mechanism, multidrug resistance, and their effective management with novel techniques, Rath S, Bal SCB, Rambam Maimonides Med J, 2021, 12, 1, 1-8
  • COVID-19: A Burden on the Indian Healthcare System, Rath S, Akhtar N, J Dow Univ Health Sci, 2021, 15, 2, 97-102
  • Employing antimicrobial nanoparticles to reduce oral biofilm medicine, S Rath, D Dubey, SK Babu, S Pattanaik, J Med Pharma Allied Sci, 2021, 16, 14, 1671-1681
  • In vitro evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of silver zeolite against common oral pathogens, Panda S, Rath S, Bal SCB Bal SCB, Ramesh N, Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig, 2021, 72, 2, 203-208
  • COVID-19 pandemic: global scenario, social determinants & its socio-economic impact, Akhtar N, Rath S, Das SR, Dubey D, Europe J Mol Clin Med, 2020, 7, 11, 4860-72
  • Probiotics: A complete oral health package, Misra S, Rath S, Mohanty N, J Integr Med, 2020, 18, 6, 462-469
  • Nosocomial Infections: A Long-Lasting Challenge in Public Health, Rath S, Akhtar N, Indian J Forensic Med Toxicol, 2020, 14, 4, 8709-16
  • Remodeling Dentistry and Dental Technologies after Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Dhar U, Nagarajappa R, Mohapatra A, Naik D, Mahapatra I, Rath S, 2020, J Oral Res COVID-19, S2, 1, 31-33
  • Infant Mortality in India and its Contributing Risk Factors: A Systematic Analysis, Rath S, Akhtar N, Indian J Public Health Res Dev, 2019, 10, 11, 1312-1318
  • Microbial Forensics, Rath S, Manna S, Panda S, Indian J Forensic Med Toxicol Health, 2019, 13, 4, 1880-1882
  • Prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from saliva samples of patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma, Routray S, Rath S, Mohanty N, J Oral Res, 2019, 8, 1, 30-36
  • Ethnomedicinal Plants of Odisha: An Alternative Therapeutic Choice against Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria, Satapahty S, Dubey D, Rath S, Indian J Public Health Res Dev, 2019, 10, 11, 805-808
  • Medical tourism: Prospects & Challenges, Rath S, Akhtar N, Panda S, Indian J Public Health Res Dev, 2019, 10, 3, 1621-1625
  • Comparative study on the efficacy of advanced and conventional methods for detection of Streptococcus mutans in the saliva of dental caries patients, Mondal DP, Panda CS, Rath S, Mohanty N, Indian J Public Health Res Dev, 2018, 9, 11, 6-10
  • Analysis of oral health complications in diabetic patients – A diagnostic perspective, Mohanty S, Mohanty N, Rath S, J Oral Res, 2018, 7, 8, 278-281
  • Describing Role of Bacteria in Carcinogenesis with Special Emphasis on Fusobacterium species in Oral Cancer: An Overview, Mandal DP, Rath S, Panda S, Mohanty N, Indian J Public Health Res Dev, 2018, 9, 12, 2507 – 2510
  • Study on antimycobacterial properties of selected ethnomedicinal plants: An alternative therapeutic choice against multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Rath S, Indian J Public Health Res Dev, 2018, 9, 11, 16-23
  • Dispersal of antibiotic-resistant bacteria into the aquatic environment – An overview, Rath S, Padhy RN, J Water Poln Cntrl, 2018, 1, 1, 1-3
  • Growth, metabolism and yield of rice cultivated in soils amended with fly ash and cyanobacteria and metal loads in plant parts, Padhy RN, Nayak N, Dash-Mohini RR, Rath S, Sahu RK, Rice Sci, 2016, 23, 1, 22-32

Book & Book Chapters

Book Chapters

1. Dubey D, Rath S, Palai S, Singhsamanta D, Roul A.  (2024) System. FuturisticTrends in Biotechnology 3, 111-120

2. Garhnayak M, Mahapatra A, Garhnayak L, Rath S, Kar AK. Ch 7. Biosensor as quick analytic tool in pandemic! Editor(s): Das J, Dave S, Radhakrishnan S, Padmaja M. Biosensors for Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases, Academic Press, 2022; pp. 169-196,

3. Rath S. (2021) Microbial Contamination of Drinking Water. In: Singh A., Agrawal M., Agrawal S.B. (eds) Water Pollution and Management Practices. Springer-Nature, Singapore.

4. Rath S. (2020). Complementary and Alternate Medicine Used Against Enteropathogenic Bacteria and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In book: Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants; Antimicrobial Resistance & Bioactive Natural Products Publisher: Studium Press Volume 51, Pages 239-264.

Books Edited


  • English
  • Hindi
  • Oriya

Personal Information

  • Father's Name: Late Sri Santosh Kumar Rath
  • Mother's Name: Smt Aparna Rath
  • Date of Birth: 10/30/83
  • Marital Status: Married


Associate Professor (Microbiology & Research), PhD Coordinator

Institute of Dental Sciences/Sum Nursing College, Siksha O Anusandhan (Deemed to be) University
05.2021 - Current

Assistant Professor (Microbiology & Research)

Institute of Dental Sciences/ Sum Nursing College, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan (deemed to be) University
01.2018 - 04.2021

Assistant Professor (Microbiology & Biotechnolgy)

MITS School of Biotechnology
01.2015 - 01.2017

Lecturer (Microbiology & Biotechnology)

BJB Autonomous College
01.2010 - 01.2011

Teaching Assistant (Biotechnology)

MITS School of Biotechnology
01.2009 - 12.2009

PhD - Microbiology

Utkal University

Masters in Science - Microbiology

Bangalore University

PGDMMI - Medical Microbiology & Immunology

Jain Institute

Bachelor in Science - Microbiology

Bangalore University
Dr. Shakti Rath