Work History

Amrendra Singh



Software developer with overall 8+ years of experience with focus on backend . Currently working with nodeJS , expressJS , aws , microservices , sql , JavaScript , TypeScript , ReactJS.


years of professional experience

Work History

Technical Lead Engineer

VeArc Technologies
03.2023 - Current
  • Technically Leading a team of 8 members (6 developers and 2 QA) and also as an Individual contributor.
  • Currently working on wealth management platform and leveraging JavaScript tech stack . Primarily working on backend.
  • working on a wealth management platform.
  • Working from scratch to migrate a distributed monolithic architecture to microservices .
  • Primarily responsible for building error detection and flagging microservice to identify data anomalies.
  • writing cron jobs for successfully sending and receiving data from third party financial tools such as emoney , blaze Portfolio , xignite.
  • Enhancing and maintaining the existing reporting framework.

Senior Frontend Enginner

SkyPoint Cloud
10.2021 - 03.2023
  • Leading a team of 6 developers for scaling the frontend codebase and also contributing as an IC on daily basis.
  • Implementing unit testing , integration testing , ESLint , pre-commit hooks . Also, introduced unit testing and linting checks in dev pipeline . Increasing meaningful code coverage to 56% .
  • Refactoring the code base by migrating JavaScript files to TypeScript files and class components to function components for better readability , reusability , maintainability .
  • Implementing a small POC on Microfrontend to understand if the architecture would be suitable for our business case.
  • Implementing real time updates feature on the application using web sockets.
  • Building different charts from scratch for user analytics using ReCharts.

Full Stack Engineer

Danske Bank
12.2019 - 10.2021
  • Worked as a Full Stack web developer(Node JS and React JS) with more responsibilities inclined towards client-side (React JS).
  • Built token based login system from scratch. Also integrated with third party services for customer authentication and authorization.
  • Creating maintenance screen and polling service for a good user experience during application downtime.
  • Built reusable components such as tooltip, accordion, button etc. which can be used in any react project.
  • Application state management using Redux.
  • Developing functional components using React hooks.
  • Building REST endpoints for client consumption in node backend written in JavaScript.
  • Writing unit test cases using React-testing library and running test cases using Jest.

Senior Associate

ATT Communications Limited
04.2019 - 12.2019
  • Nothing major to highlight towards the project due to unfortunately being part of organizational restructuring.

Software Developer

AllState Solutions
12.2015 - 03.2019
  • Working as a. Net developer on an insurance product.


Bachelor of Engineering -

Visvesvaraya Technological University


  • Microservices
  • AWS
  • expressJS
  • nodeJS
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • sql
  • mongodb
  • reactJS
  • ecs
  • docker
  • redux
  • Microfrontends


  • Expense Tracker(Backend APIs) : Track your expenses category wise daily , weekly, monthly , yearly. Also compare the expenses within each other .still work in progress.
  • Indian COVID vaccine tracker : Responsive web app which tells the availability of Covid vaccine in the area searched for
  • Search Movies and TV series : Gives information about the movies or tv series searched for.
  • UI Library (in Progress):A react reusable component library which can be used in any react project.


Technical Lead Engineer

VeArc Technologies
03.2023 - Current

Senior Frontend Enginner

SkyPoint Cloud
10.2021 - 03.2023

Full Stack Engineer

Danske Bank
12.2019 - 10.2021

Senior Associate

ATT Communications Limited
04.2019 - 12.2019

Software Developer

AllState Solutions
12.2015 - 03.2019

Bachelor of Engineering -

Visvesvaraya Technological University
  • Expense Tracker(Backend APIs) : Track your expenses category wise daily , weekly, monthly , yearly. Also compare the expenses within each other .still work in progress.
  • Indian COVID vaccine tracker : Responsive web app which tells the availability of Covid vaccine in the area searched for
  • Search Movies and TV series : Gives information about the movies or tv series searched for.
  • UI Library (in Progress):A react reusable component library which can be used in any react project.
Amrendra Singh