Work History
Additional Information
Work Availability
Atul D. Bharad

Atul D. Bharad

Lead Linux Administator
Navi Mumbai, MH


Self-motivated individual and enthusiastic Lead Linux Administrator with 18.7 years of IT experience. Passionate for technology with proven track record of thriving in fast-paced environments.


years of professional experience

Work History

Lead Linux Administration

Direction Software LLP
07.2004 - 01.2023
  • Transforming virtual machine to docker images and then deploy in kubernetes.
  • Creating different docker images as per project requirments and deploy in kubernetes.
  • Create CI/CD Jenkins pipelines for projects.
  • Migrated source code from SVN to Gitlab along with history. Configuring GItlab as CI/CD and documentation system.
  • Experienced with Java build/automaton tools such as ANT, Jenkins, and Maven. Involved in conversion of the source code from the SVN to GIT. Worked closely with other teams, which was migrating from SVN to GIT. Helped them in the CM Planning and Build/Deploy processes.
  • Implemented Shell, Python scripts for release and build automation. Manipulated and automated scripts to suit the requirements.
  • Responsible for automated Scheduled Builds/Emergency Builds and Release Enterprise application.
  • Created and Maintained Subversion Branching, Merging, and tagging across each production releases. Assist developers in integrating their code with the mainstream.
  • Created featured develop release branches in GIT for different application to support releases and CI builds.
  • Enabled Continuous Delivery through Deployment into several environments of Development, Test and Production using Maven and SonarQube.
  • Provided end-user support, performed baseline build, software release management, and other SCM activities.
  • Setting up the new build environment for various products in Linux environment implemented the Release practice and responsible for pushing builds into DEV/ QA / SIT / UAT.
  • Implemented new JIRA workflows for the QA teams and worked on Splitting JIRA server’s configuration. Managed Jira users and created workflows, issue types, fields in production.
  • Developed and implemented Software Release Management strategies for various applications according to the agile process.
  • Performed Installing Red Hat Linux using kickstart and applying security polices for hardening the server based on the company policies.
  • Creating, cloning Linux Virtual Machines, Performing capacity analysis, monitoring, and controlling disk space usage on systems.
  • Monitoring system activities and fine-tuning system parameters and configurations to optimize performance and ensuring security of systems.
  • Designing Firewall rules for new servers to enable communication with application.
  • Setting up user and group permissions in Jira, Confluence, password, resolving permissions and access related issues via ACL.
  • Aws based EC2 and RDS instance created and deployed projects.


Bachelor of Engineering - Information Technology



Virtual Machine to Docker containers

Transform virtual machines to docker containers

Pentaho Kettle

Creating Pentaho Kettle kjb and ktr jobs for data transformation

Operating Systems

Red Hat, CentOS, Debian, Suse, Ubuntu, Solaris, Debain, Windows

Scripting/Programming Languages

Python, Bash

Version Control Tools

GIT, GitHub, Bit Bucket, Subversion

Build Tools

Apache Maven, Gradle, AWS Code Build, Ant

Container/ Orchestration Tools

AWS ECS, Docker, Kubernetes

Web/Application Servers

Wildfly Application Server, Apache Tomcat, Apache, Nginx

Monitoring Tools

Cloud Watch, Zabbix


MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB

CI Tools

Jenkins, GitLab

Jira & Confluence

Jira software, Service management and Confluence software projects adminisrtation

Additional Information

  • Experienced in transforming virtual machine to docker image and then deploy it in Kubernetes.
  • Experienced in Build/Release management using different cloud services of AWS (Amazon web service) as major infrastructure.
  • Demonstrated expertise in designing and providing high-quality products and feasible solutions with strong focus on quality and agility, as well as encouraging and automating deployments on AWS to drive overall business growth.
  • Expertise in DevOps, Configuration Management, Cloud Infrastructure, End-to End Automation which includes Amazon Web Services, Jenkins, Maven, GitHub, Ant, SonarQube, Tomcat, and Linux.
  • Expertise in creating DevOps strategy in a mix environment of Linux (RHEL, CENTOS) servers and Windows along with (AWS) Amazon Web Services. Built and Maintained Docker container clusters managed by Kubernetes, Linux, Bash, GIT, and Docker on AWS.
  • Experienced in installing and maintaining different application and web servers like Apache Wildfly, Apache Tomcat, Apache web server, Nginx.
  • Experience in Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance, and manage Docker containers with multiple names spaced versions and managed Kubernetes services and AWS Kubernetes services.
  • Developed Shell and Python Scripts used to automate administrative tasks and automation of the build and release process.
  • Experience in created monitors, alarms & notifications for EC2 hosts using CloudWatch. Implemented Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance, scale and manage Docker containers with multiple names spaced versions.
  • Extensively worked on Jenkins for continuous integration and for End-to-End automation for all build and deployments.
  • Knowledge of databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle installation.
  • Created AWS EBS volumes for storing application files for use with AWS EC2 instances.
  • Experience in working on Docker Hub, creating Docker-images, and handling multiple images primarily for middleware installations and domain configuration.
  • Experience in Jira software, Service management and Confluence administration. Administration of open source bug tracking systems such as Mantis and Bugzilla.
  • Experience in Pentaho Kettle jobs for database to files data and files to database data transformation and database operations.

Work Availability

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There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that, once unleashed, can make any vision, dream, or desire a reality.
Tony Robbins


Lead Linux Administration

Direction Software LLP
07.2004 - 01.2023

Bachelor of Engineering - Information Technology

Atul D. BharadLead Linux Administator