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• 4.10 Years of progressive experience in Automation Software Testing
• Good Exposure to all stages of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) & Software Testing Life
Cycle (STLC).
• Expert in Developing Selenium Automation Test Framework using various Languages and Packages
(Java, Selenium, TestNG)
• Developed No Code Automation Test Framework.
• Automated Multiple applications from scratch using Java-Selenium and Avo Automation tool.
• Delivered efficient, Effort Saving Automation Projects within Project deadlines
• Expertise in TestNG Framework, Page Object Model (POM) design approach, Maven for project
building tool, Jenkins for Continuous Integration.
• Good knowledge about Mobile Automation Using Appium.
• Good knowledge in BDD – Cucumber Framework
• Good knowledge of US Retirement Services – 401K,457,403B Plans.
• Tested Various Omni (Retirement Recordkeeping Platform) Functionalities and Financial Apps
Related to US Retirement Services
• Executing Automated test scripts remotely using Jenkins and Sauce labs, Maintain Codebase using
• Executing Automated Regression Suites for Applications.
Years of Experience in Java-Selenium
Project Name -Money-In Applications – VoyaPayCloud
Description: - VoyaPayCloud is Suite of Money-In Applications for Voya, which provides ability for
Sponsors (Employers) to performs various operation on their Retirement Plan like
Contribution, Loans, Enrollments, Updates and download various Reports, All the
transaction performed on applications are reflected in Omni (A Recordkeeping platform
by FIS). These suites of application also interact with various databases like OLTP.
Roles & Responsibilities:
• Develop/Update Automation Framework based on Requirements of Projects.
• Worked as Automation Tester to Automate Regression and Functional Testcases for each release.
• Identify Testcases to Automate and Complete Automation within Release Timeline.
• Involved in Design and Test Plan Development activities.
• Involve in project meetings to review progress on releases.
• Help team in testing and requirement understanding as and when required.
• Execute Regression for each build and share reports with teams on build stability.
• Integrate Automation Testcases with CICD Pipelines using Jenkins.
• Leading 5 Members Automation Team for collecting automation project status and share with
leadership team.
• Help team to solve problems in Automation and share designs for application automations.
• Involved in Quarterly Business Review (QBR) Meetings for Savings and Future plannings to achieve
more Automation in Organization.
• Create TableAU Reports to showcase Automation Progress and Trends.
. Project Title: Appointment Bookings and Queuing Software Domain: CX Automation
Description: Verint Appointment Booking and Queuing is part of Customer Experience software to manage appointment bookings and queue management in customer facing companies. Queue management allows store users to manage the queue of customers and keep track of customers and create data of customers. It can be used on Desktop and Mobile application.
Roles & Responsibilities:
• Develop Test Automation Framework features.
• Create Automated Testcases for application.
• Test new features for application and manage defects.
• Integrate Automation Testcases with CICD Pipelines using Jenkins.
• Execute Regression for each build and share reports with teams on build stability.
GPA: 73.81%
GPA: 79.15%
GPA: 86.18%
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