To apply my knowledge of psychology to the current social setting in the best way.
· Initiating CHILDLINE – 1098 service in new locations.
· Facilitate implementation of CHILDLINE-1098 in ongoing locations.
· Ensuring standardized value added inputs to partner organizations for service excellence.
· Capacity building of city-level teams during periodic visits.
· Conducting in- house training for organizations in new locations.
· Networking and advocacy with the state administration.
· Representing CHILDLINE-1098 in the state/ regional network and campaigns.
· Developing a vision and strategy for CHILDLINE in the region.
· Mentoring the team reporting to them.
· Worked on the CPC program funded by UNCEF (based on the Strengthening and activation of Village Child Protection Committee in Village). Guidance and monitoring provide to the respective location which are select for this CPC Program.
· Worked under the Research project ‘Saras Kids’ which is an extension of the Mumbai Maternal Nutrition Project (MMNP).
· Core job responsibility is to conduct cognitive tests with children and also conduct home visits to assess the home environment of children.
The tests include: Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC) and WISC.
Attending 1098 phone calls.
· Psychological testing for IX and X std students for their career development (including Interest test , Aptitude test, Personality test)
· Preparing an individual report for each student.
· Analysis of the report.
Providing counseling to students about different career opportunities
1. Presented a poster in the 19th Annual Sneha-India International Workshop, Developmental Origins of Health and Disease DOHAD) on 26th- 28th February 2016.
2. Presented a poster in the 18th Annual Sneha-India International Workshop, 1st David Barker Memorial Symposium, (Developmental Origins of Health and Disease DOHAD) on 26th-28th September 2014.
3. Done the research project on “Emotional Quotient and Family Adjustment among working women and Home Maker at M. A. Level (2010-2011)
Conducted training for Teachers in Gujarat (Palitana) on POCSO Act and Child Sexual Abuse as a part of NISHTHA (National Initiative for School Head’s and Teacher’s Holistic Advancement) An Integrated Teacher’s Training Program.
Conducted training session with the CHILDINE Partner organizations (for team) on POCSO Act, Child Sexual Abuse, Counseling, Communication skills