A Bengaluru-based deep tech startup (founded in 2017), with ~67 employees that provides AI solutions to manufacturing industries for defect identification and ensuring high-quality products with minimal defects.
Leading global manufacturers like Castrol, Unilever, P&G, ITC, SKF, Diageo and others are their customers.
• Successfully developed a scalable and high-performance web application utilizing React and Vite.js.
• Created reusable wrapper modules to enhance code reuse and accelerate development.
• Used React Query for efficient state management and streamlined data fetching to reduce unnecessary API calls.
• Improved performance using lazy loading, code splitting, React.memo, useMemo, and useCallback for better component rendering and
app responsiveness.
• Using Vite.js optimization, we reduced build times and increased developer experience.
• Created and performed test cases to support testing strategy and ensure code stability and quality.
Freelance (January 2024-April 2024)
• Worked together to create a hyperlocal app that allows users to find companies and locations around them using a local search engine.
• Clofra (March 2022-July 2022)
• Worked with a team to create predictive software log alert systems with the goal of eliminating system downtime.
• Primarily developing the corporate admin website to onboard corporate personnel, create teams, and manage them.
• I learned about SSO, RBAC, D3Js, and the web browser.
Programming Languages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and SCSS
Design Libraries: Bootstrap, MaterialUi, Antd, Tailwind
Libraries and Frameworks: ReactJs, NextJs, NodeJs, ExpressJs, NestJs, ReduxJs, VanillaJs, React Query, Zustand
Development Workflow : Agile , Scrum methodologies ,Continuous Integration (CI/CD) tools like Jenkins ,Github Actions
Seamless Food Delivery App Clone
• Begin your learning adventure by developing an end-to-end clone of a food delivery website in ReactJs and NodeJS.
COVID-19 Informatory App
• This initiative intends to monitor coronavirus patients in close proximity to users. I used VanillaJS.