6.1+ years of industry experience in Python Scripting, Django, Flask, Fast-API, Postgres SQL, MongoDB, Elastic Search, MySQL, GCP, RabbitMQ, Big Query, Pub-Sub, AlloyDB, Jira, Agile, Micro-Services & Mainframe Operations, Tools and Techniques- WebEnabler, Operation Sentinel Console, MISER
PLATFORM: Python, Fast-API, Flask, GCP, GIT, Docker, Micro-Services.
Data Validation Tools(DVT) is an open-source repository provided by Google, which allows the smooth Migration of Legacy Databases across the Google Cloud Platform Databases.
PLATFORM: Python, Fast-API, PostgreSQL, GIT, Micro-Services.
MTP is one of the Micro-Service Based Platform Architect responsible for handling Multi-Tenant Application.
EmployD is one of the other Micro-Service Based application for Recruitment.
Price Smart is one of the another Micro-Service Based application for E-commerce.
PLATFORM: Python, Fast-API, Flask, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Elastic Search, GIT.
Integrations is one of the Micro-Service Based Architect Application responsible to communicate with various Third Parties Application.
Pathfinder is one of the Career Progression Application based on AI platform.
Recruit is one of the Recruitment Application based on AI platform
TDP is one of the latest and the Platform Based on AI Platform Service
CSE is one of the Older Version of Recruitment Application
PLATFORM: Python, Django, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Java Script, jQuery.
Club Apparel is one of the applications for Ecommerce.
House of Beauty is one of the applications for Ecommerce.
PLATFORM: Python, Django, Web Enabler, Operation Sentinel Console, MISER BI, Bastion Server, HTML, CSS, Bootstraps, JavaScript, jQuery, PostgresDB, Pandas, Numpy, CORE JAVA.
Python, Fast-API,
Reading News Paper, Watching News, Yoga.