Work History
Football, Music, Making beats, Lifting weights, Hiking.

Prateek Mahajan

Navigating Officer
New Delhi


Graduated from India's best maritime school, Indian Maritime University, Capable marine professional with extensive experience and diverse skillset in effectively navigating merchant vessels. Skillful in handling various cargo systems of oil/chemical tankers (COP, FRAMO, MARFLEX). Confident and efficient in operating latest marine technologies such as Ballast Water Management Systems and Electronic Chart Display System software.

Been integral part of Search and Rescue Operation with US Coast Guard.


years of professional experience

Years of post-secondary education (onshore and onboard)


Work History

Second Mate

Elegant Marine Services
New Delhi
03.2022 - Current
  • Navigated ship for at least 8hrs a day out at sea.
  • Made passage plans using various admiralty, marking the abort points, reporting points and the contingency plans.
  • In-charge of life rafts in case of abandon ship.
  • Imparted training to crew for emergency procedures, such as : Steering failure, loss of anchor, flooding of compartments, Gyro Failure, ECDIS failure, GPS failure and security protocols during transiting high risk areas, such as Gulf of Aden (Somalia).
  • Designated operator of Global Maritime Distress Safety Systems in case of distress situations
  • Optimized safety parameters when operating vessels, controlling speed, berthing and unberthing, giving optimal protection to crew and equipment.
  • Docked and undocked vessel using radios, depth finders, radars, lights, lighthouses and buoys to make safe and accurate operational decisions.
  • Took active part in Cargo handling/ transfer meetings.
  • Handled and transferred dangerous chemicals, such as styrene monomers, ACNs, methanol,phenol, etc, from and to the ship.
  • Operated the centrifugal turbine type or the steam driven reciprocating, duplex type pumps effectively to reduce the ROB on board.
  • Appraisal of various maps, charts, weather reports, nav warnings and navigation equipment to determine any confrontation with bad weather, calculate the ETAs and update the company and agents about any changes.
  • Carried OpEX ops, where I led multilingual and culturally diversed team.
  • Found out loopholes on the shore side while assisting investigating of officer of Gard Protection and Indemnity Club to save the owners and charterers from hefty off hire claims.
  • Completed regular vessel inspections to identify deficiencies and coordinate corrective actions.
  • Made daily ship reports, took weather reports, selected apt satelite stations for nav warnings, plotted warnings on chart.

Third Mate

Elegant Marine Services
10.2019 - 02.2022
  • Navigated ship for at least 8hrs a day out at sea.
  • In charge of Life Saving Appliances and Fire Fighting equipment on board ship.
  • Imparted training to crew for using various pyrotechnics and medical equipment, such as resuscitator, Neil Robertson stretcher, etc.
  • Imparted training to crew on the dangers of nitrogen and use of Self compressed breathing apparatus.
  • Familiarize new crew with their duties and other important aspects of ship.
  • Kept watch aboard vessels to identify changing conditions or potential issues and implement corrective actions.
  • Docked and undocked vessel using radios, depth finders, radars, lights, lighthouses and buoys to make safe and accurate operational decisions.
  • Took active part in Cargo handling/ transfer meetings.
    Handled and transferred dangerous chemicals, such as styrene monomers, ACNs, methanol,phenol, etc, from and to the ship.
  • Completed regular vessel inspections to identify deficiencies and coordinate corrective actions.
  • Inspected and assessed telecommunication systems and navigational instruments to prepare for and manage safe piloting.
  • Utilized navigation expertise and tools to set courses and determine ship position.


Elegant Marine Services
2016.02 - 2019.10
  • Assisted chief officer in navigation duties and learned the ropes of the tread.
  • Learned various skills related to cargo operations and critical tasks, such as tank cleaning and ship handling.
  • Assisted Coast Guards in Search And Rescue operation.
  • learning deck work and maintenance under the super vision of chief officer
  • Assist in arrival/ departure preparations.
  • Assist the crew in deck jobs.
  • Learn about the safety regulations and comply with them efficiently.


Bachelor of Science - Nautical Science

Indian Maritime University
Tamil Nadu
08.2014 - 06.2019


Updated knowledge of all the navigational equipment such as RADAR, ECDIS, GMDSS, Echo Sounder, etc



Certificate of Competency ( from Directorate General of Shipping, India)

Football, Music, Making beats, Lifting weights, Hiking.


I am a sports Enthusiast. I love playing aggressive and highly involving sports, such as football and kickboxing. I love the adrenaline rush and the feeling of competitiveness. I love running long distances and i have taken part in cross country runs.

Lifting weights is not just my hobby but part of my daily routine. It keeps me focused and gives me a good start to the day.


I love playing guitar. I have been playing guitar since four years and i sometimes like to play my own tunes. I am also learning to make beats on my laptop using software FL21.


I am an adventurous and i love trail hikes. I have been on three trail hikes, each atleast 80 kms.


Second Mate

Elegant Marine Services
03.2022 - Current

Transas ECDIS( Electronic Chart Display & Information System) software


Furuno ECDIS( Electronic Chart Display & Information System) software


Third Mate

Elegant Marine Services
10.2019 - 02.2022

Certificate of Competency ( from Directorate General of Shipping, India)


RADAR Operator Certificate


Automatic Radar Plotting Aids Certification


Advanced Fire fighting


Medical First Aid Course


General Operator Certificate ( Ministry of Communication, India)



Elegant Marine Services
2016.02 - 2019.10

Bachelor of Science - Nautical Science

Indian Maritime University
08.2014 - 06.2019
Prateek MahajanNavigating Officer