Proficient control room operator with 10 years of experience in maintaining system security, verifying equipment performance and efficiency, and managing operating staff. Skilled communicator who is confident in delegating responsibilities, confirming transfer of information, and reporting to superiors. Creative decision-maker who is able to make swift decisions under pressure without compromising the integrity of the company or safety of its workers. Expert leader with the proven ability to maintain a control room that is efficient, safe, and successful at keeping organizational processes in working order.
Expert communicator who uses an interpersonal approach to fairly delegate responsibilities, establish transfer of information, and present reports to executive staff
Organized, able to multi-task, and punctual to create an environment conducive to effective performance for all departmental members
Skilled decision-maker with the training and experience to make important decisions under pressure
Creative and innovative individual who sees problems as opportunities to develop solutions that will better serve the company by creating a more effective control room process
Trustworthy professional who maintains the highest standards of integrity to ensure the reputation of the company and its brand
Vigilant overseer to watch for signs of emergency to protect the safety of the company’s workers and operations, with specific attention to preserving confidential backend information
e Report Plant manager specific incidents and supporting evidence, provide specific details and time of incidents.
Contract finished with present company