Work History

Sumit Mookerjee

New Delhi


Thirty plus years of experience, mainly in establishing, maintaining and upgrading computing and network infrastructure, setting up and managing data centres for high performance computing, and physics research. Led the establishment and operation of a high performance computing centre offering remote HPC access to more than a hundred and fifty university research groups across India. Headed the computing and communications division at India’s leading accelerator institute for almost three decades. Published forty research papers in the fields of experimental high energy physics, x-ray absorption spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations. Taught courses on data reduction and error analysis, operating systems and programming languages, simulation techniques for ion-matter interactions besides regular undergraduate and postgraduate physics courses.


years of professional experience

Work History

Head, Computer and Communications Group

Inter University Accelerator Centre
09.1994 - 07.2021

Overall responsibility for all computing infrastructure and software development. Planned and implemented the development of the infrastructure from a few desktop computers to a thousand-node network across six buildings, operating its own mail, web, proxy, firewall and database servers along with a national HPC facility with about six hundred users from a hundred and fifty research groups across India. Set up the ion-matter simulation group to complement the Centre’s experimental materials science program. Served as a technical advisor in the planning and purchase of data centre, HPC cluster and storage, and network equipment at many universities, research institutes and government science and technology departments, including the Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, Delhi and the Indian Biological Data Centre, Faridabad.

Assistant Professor of Physics

University of Rajasthan
10.1988 - 09.1994

Taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses in a number of areas of Physics, including high energy and nuclear physics, wave and classical mechanics, mathematical physics, and quantum mechanics. As a member of the experimental high energy physics group at the department, participated in the EMU-01 and WA98 international collaborations conducting experiments at the accelerator facility in CERN, Geneva.


Ph.D. - Physics

University of Rajasthan
Jaipur, India

Master of Science - Physics

Unniversity of Rajasthan
Jaipur, India


    - Planning and operating computing infrastructure for general and scientific computing, including local networks, servers, HPC and parallel storage systems

    - Planning and implementing internet bandwidth and security, resource allocation and access mechanisms for remote users connecting to large-scale central facilities

    - Administration and programming of parallel MPI clusters and storage systems

    - Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations of ion-matter interactions from low to relativistic energies

    - Teaching physics and computing courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate level


Head, Computer and Communications Group

Inter University Accelerator Centre
09.1994 - 07.2021

Assistant Professor of Physics

University of Rajasthan
10.1988 - 09.1994

Ph.D. - Physics

University of Rajasthan

Master of Science - Physics

Unniversity of Rajasthan
Sumit Mookerjee